Page 8 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 8

市场展望 Market Outlook                              加中金融

         中国重新审视防疫政策;“双循环”的驱动双轮力有不逮。中国调适防疫政策之际,正值出口增速 29 个月以来首
           现负增长、社零增速由正转负的关口,二项数据均剑指国内外需求的同步消退。然而,在岸市场却从 2020 年 3 月

           中国出口周期为七年一轮的中周期,并已于 2021 年 2 月见顶。这意味着经常账户余额相对于 GDP 的累积速度日
         经济短周期接近拐点,但房地产复苏非一日之功。以房地产投资周期衡量的经济短周期正接近其转折点。但处于
           当下的境况与 2014 年初有诸多相似之处。譬如,这两个时期都见证了美联储大刀阔斧收紧货币政策和中国房地产
           市场的趔趄前行,而决策层最终伸出援手。这两个时期的市场走势亦重规叠矩。譬如,上证在 2014 年的前几个月
         上证曲折交易于约 3-3,500 点,恒指约 16-23,000 点。渐进倾向于周期性、成长型板块相对于防御性、价值型板
           将在 2023 年步入衰退。如这三项不确定因素中任何一项好于我们的基准情景,譬如重启加速、房地产市场迅速恢
           似于我们在 2022 年所经历的一类风险情景。本文无须赘述。即便如此,今年的史诗级波动表明,我们应该已经见

    任尔东西南北风。无论我们在 2022 年遭遇了多少暗流险滩,眼下是时候重振旗鼓,举步向前了。


         China finetuning “COVID-Zero”; “Dual Circulation” is not as strong as expected. The Chinese authority is finetuning its zero
           COVID policy at a juncture when negative exports growth, the first time in 29 months, and retail growth are suggesting
           receding demand both at home and abroad. Yet the onshore market rebounded strongly from a similar level last seen at
           the onset of COVID in Mar 2020.
           China’s export cycle, an intermediate economic cycle running every seven years, peaked in Feb 2021, which translated to a
           slower increase of current account surplus compared to GDP. The export cycle correlates closely with China’s stock market
           cycle via the liquidity created via its export cycle. Thus, a peaking export cycle argues against a “secular bull market”
           suggested by consensus.
         Economic cycle near turning point, but arduous property recovery likely. The short cycle as measured by the property
           investment cycle, however, is nearing its turning point, but still needs a catalyst to initiate a new cycle over the course of
           the next twelve months.
           There are many similarities between now and early 2014. For instance, both periods saw the Fed tighten and Chinese
           properties      struggle, and the authority came to the rescue in both cases. There are also analogs in the market trajectories
           in both periods. For instance, the Shanghai Composite struggled in the first few months in 2014.
           Meanwhile, the U.S. short economic cycle is receding from its peak, but not yet appropriately reflecting the recessionary
           risks confronting the US economy. Given their intertwining economies, U.S. macro volatility will find its way to Chinese
           markets and onto the world via the exchange rate, commodities, and other traditional assets like stocks and bonds.
         Shanghai Composite Index has been between 3,000-3,500, Hang Seng between 16,000-23,000, easing into Cyclicals/Growth
           over Defensive/Value. Our base case is that China will reopen gradually with bouts of volatility, its property sector will
           recover slowly with policy support, and a 2023 US recession. If any of these three uncertainties is better than expected,
           such as faster reopening, swift property recovery or no US recession, it will add to our base-case payoff.
           China margin cycle is re-expanding and bodes well for the relative performance of cyclicals and growth over defensive and
           value. Intuitively, if China reopens and property recovers, cyclical demand should improve. And growth, too.
           Of course, the risks are that China stays isolated, property prices continue to stagnate, and the U.S. enters a recession. This
           triple whammy would render a risk scenario similar to what we have been through in 2022 – no need to elaborate further.
           Even so, the epic volatility in 2022 suggests that we should have seen some of the lowest points in the Shanghai Composite
           and the Hang Seng Index in the current cycle.

    It is time to look forward.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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