Page 39 - CCFA Journal - Tenth Issue
P. 39
加中金融 经济论坛 Economics Forum
二十大报告提出,要发挥消费在经济发展中的基础性作 The report of the 20th NCCPC proposed that consumption
用。可见,消费这一基础一定要打扎实。而消费的增长 should play a fundamental role in economic development.
需要由居民收入的增长为前提,尤其是中低收入阶层的 The growth of consumption is predicated on the growth of
收入增长,提高中低收入阶层的收入水平显得非常重要, residents' income, especially those of the middle- and lower-
从政府部门、企业部门和居民部门这三大部门的利益分 income classes. From the perspective of reforming the
配体制机制改革的角度看,提出三条建议: institutional mechanism for the distribution of benefits
among government/enterprises/residents, we propose three
第一,多渠道增加居民的财产性收入,提高居民的消费 recommendations as follows.
能力。二十大报告提出,探索多种渠道增加中低收入群 First, as in the report of the 20th NCCPC, it proposes to
众要素收入,多渠道增加城乡居民财产性收入。今年以 explore various channels to increase the income of the
来,随着全国房价的普遍回落,居民部门的财产性收入 middle- and low- income classes and to increase the property
将显著减少。 income of urban and rural residents. With the general fall in
为此,一方面要多管齐下,稳房价、稳地价、稳预期, house prices across the country so far this year, the residential
另一方面,为居民部门提供新的增加财产性收入的渠道, sector will likely see a significant reduction in property income.
即从过去主要从房地产投资获得财产性收入,转向从增 A multi-pronged approach is needed to stabilize property
加金融资产配置上获得财产性收入。这就需要在政策支 prices, land prices and expectations. The residential sector
持资本市场发展,在当前权益类资产的估值水平总体偏 also needs support shifting from receiving primarily income
低的情况下,守住不发生系统性风险的底线,同时积极 from their real estate investments to income derived from
鼓励机构投资者的长期资金入市,在高水平开放政策下 financial assets. This will require policies to support capital
提高外资的入市比例。 market developments and to guard the bottom line given
the current generally low valuation level of equity assets.
第二,增加国家财政对居民部门的支持力度,增加居民 Policies should also actively encourage long-term capital from
部门可支配收入占 GDP的比重。我国居民收入占 GDP 的 institutional investors and increase the proportion of foreign
比重历年来都在 45%左右,而全球平均水平大约为 60%, capital entering the market under a favorable policy.
这也是我国消费对 GDP 贡献相对低的原因。近两年来政
府通过减税、降费或退税的方式来改善企业的经营环境, Second, increase state fiscal support to the residential sector
and increase the share of disposable income of the residential
支持企业发展,实际上就是政府部门向企业部门转移收 sector in GDP. China's residents' income has traditionally been
入。从目前看,尽管这一方式取得了明显效果,但仍难 around 45% of GDP, compared to the global average of
以从根本上扭转“需求收缩”和“预期转弱”的状况, around 60%. In the past two years, the government has been
说明“授人以渔”的方式,受到了“鱼”(需求)不足 improving the business environment and supporting the
的约束。不妨采取“放水养鱼”的方式,即政府部门向 development of enterprises through tax cuts, fee reductions
居民部门转移收入。 or tax rebates, which are in effect revenue transfers from
government departments to the corporate sector. At present,
可以通过三种方式来进行收入转移,一是定向转移,即 despite the obvious results of this approach, it is still difficult
定向给低收入群体进行转移支付,如增加低保人群收入 to fundamentally reverse the "contraction in demand" and
补贴,确保他们不返贫。二是提高社会保障水平,如用 the "weakening of expectations". It is advisable to adopt a
财政资金加大填补社保第一支柱缺口的力度,同时也进 "releasing water to raise fish" approach, that is, the
一步扩大企业年金、职业年金和个人养老金等的二、三 government department transferring income to the resident
支柱的体量;继续推进教育、医疗体制的改革,降低老 department.
到地方财政的困难,建议中央财政从 2023 年起,向全体 Income transfers can be made in three ways: first, target
公民发放多期消费券,第一期规模不低人均 1 千元。 transfers to low-income groups, such as income subsidies.
The second is to improve the level of social security, such as
using fiscal funds to fill the gap of the three pillars of social
security, such as corporate pensions, occupational pensions
and personal pensions. This can help promote reforms in the
education and healthcare systems to reduce the burden on
ordinary people in terms of education and healthcare. Third,
it is proposed that the central government should issue
multiple installments of consumption vouchers to all citizens
from 2023 onwards, with the size of the first installment
being no less than 1,000 yuan per capita.
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