Page 35 - CCFA Journal - Tenth Issue
P. 35

加中金融                                      经济论坛 Economics Forum

    图 4 全球主要经济体杠杆率(%,2018 年)


    从上图可见,我国的宏观杠杆率水平已经接近发达国家,                                     As can be seen from the graph above, China's macro leverage
    远高于新兴经济体,也就是说,在“未富先老”的同时,                                     ratio was already close to that of developed countries and
    还存在“未富先债”问题。而且,在固定资产投资的占                                      much higher than that of emerging economies, which means
    比中,民间投资的占比在下降,国有投资的占比在上升,                                     that while it is getting older before it gets rich, it also has the
    其背后的原因就是投资回报率下降。例如,基建投资回                                      problem of "debt before it gets richer". Moreover, the share
    报不断下降,目前已经低于专项债融资成本。再如,2020                                   of private investment in fixed assets is decreasing due to a
    年以来,专项债资金用于土储、棚改等项目受到较大限                                      decline  in  return  on  investment.  Returns  on  infrastructure
    制,主要通过城投平台用于基建项目。城投平台投入资                                      investment have been declining and are now lower than the
    本回报率(ROIC)的中位数已经从 2011 年的 3.1%降至                              cost of special debt financing. Since 2020, the use of special
    2020 年的 1.3%,明显低于专项债平均发行利率,从侧面                                debt  funds  for  projects  such  as  land  storage  and  squatter
    解释了专项债资金使用效率的下降。                                              reform  has  been  more  restricted  and  mainly  used  for
                                                                  infrastructure projects through urban investment platforms.
    今年基建投资增速超高,1-10 月份同比增长 8.7%,而                                 The  median  rate  of  return  on  invested  capital  on  urban
    2018-2021 年基建投资增速则出现断崖式回落,说明随着                                investment platforms has dropped from 3.1% in 2011 to 1.3%
    房地产开发投资增速的大幅回落,基建投资事实上成为                                      in 2020, significantly lower than the average issuance rate of
    逆周期政策的主要发力点。而房地产投资增速之所以出                                      special bonds, explaining the decline in the use of special bond
    现大幅回落,是因为销售面积的回落幅度更大,今年 1-10                                  funds.
    月份住宅销售面积同比下降 25.5%。                                           The  growth  rate  of  infrastructure  investment  this  year
                                                                  increased  by  8.7%  year-on-year  from  January  to  October,
    房地产的繁荣,依托于需求,但人口老龄化加速,不仅                                      while the growth rate of infrastructure investment from 2018-
    城镇化进程放缓,而且也会导致年轻人占总人口的比重                                      2021  has  fallen  off  a  cliff,  pointing  to  infrastructure
    下降,这从两个方面都会终结房地产持续 20 余年的上行                                   investments  as  the  main  beneficiary  of  counter-cyclical
    周期。而且,房地产的需求下降又会拖累制造业的投资                                      policies. The sharp fall in real estate investment growth is due
    增长,因此,未来固定资产投资增速也会呈现下行趋势。                                     to falling demand, such as the 25.5% fall in residential sales
                                                                  from January to October this year.
    上升上。近年来,我国也出现了少数产业外迁现象,这                                      The  accelerated  aging  of  the  population  will  not  only  slow
    主要是我国老龄化导致的劳动年龄人口减少已经超过三                                      down the urbanization process, but also lead to a decline in
    千多万,国内劳动力成本的不断上升,与印尼、越南、                                      the proportion of young people. From two aspects above, it
    印度等低廉的劳动力成本形成明显反差。此外,2023 年                                   will end the upward cycle of real estate that had lasted for
    全球经济增速将出现回落,出口增速将比经济增速的回                                      more than 20 years.
    落更迅猛。IMF 预测 2023 年的全球 GDP 将回落至 2.9%,                          The negative impact of accelerated aging on exports is mainly
    外贸出口的增速将更低。                                                   reflected  in  rising  labour  costs.  In  recent  years,  China  has

                                                                  seen a few industries relocate out of the country due to a
                                                                  decline in the working age population, which has exceeded 30
                                                                  million  people,  and  the  rising  cost  of  domestic  labour.
                                                                  Chinese labour is now considered expensive      compared      to
                                                                  those in Indonesia, Vietnam and India. In addition, the global
                                                                  economic growth rate will drop in 2023, with export growth
                                                                  falling sharply. The IMF forecasts that global GDP will fall back
                                                                  to 2.9% in 2023 and that foreign trade exports will grow at an
                                                                  even lower rate.

                                            CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   March 2023
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