Page 34 - CCFA Journal - Tenth Issue
P. 34

经济论坛 Economics Forum                             加中金融

    不过,1990 年以后中国开始腾飞,如 1990 年我国人均                                China's economy began to take off after 1990. China's GDP per
    GDP 只有 317 美元,比印度低 50 美元。但如今人均 GDP                            capita  in  1990  was  only  US$317,  US$50  lower  than  India.
    水平已经是印度的 5.5 倍。由此可见,只要时间足够长,                                  Today,  China’s  GDP  per  capita  is  5.5  times  that  of  India.
    赶超的机会总是存在的。印度经济发展迟缓的原因是国                                      India's  sluggish  economic  development  is  due  to  excessive
    内经济波动过大,经常出现负增长,包括本币的大幅贬                                      domestic economic volatility and frequent negative growth,
    值等。                                                           including a significant devaluation of the local currency.
                                                                  Although China's economic growth rate significantly exceeds
    尽管我国经济增速显著超过全球平均水平,但自 2011 年                                  the global average, its economy continued to slow down, on
    以后,经济持续减速,这与我国劳动年龄人口开始减少                                      pace with a decline in its working-age population. By analyzing
    的时间非常吻合,说明人口老龄化会影响经济增速。例                                      the  change  in  GDP  growth  rates  in  Germany,  France,  the
    如,通过研究德国、法国、英国、俄罗斯、美国等国家                                      United Kingdom, Russia, the United States and other Western
    深度老龄化迈向超老龄化进程中的 GDP 增速变化,发现                                   countries , it is found that the GDP growth rate of developed
    已经成为发达国家的经济体,在步入深度老龄化之后,                                      countries has declined significantly after entering deep aging,
    GDP 增速都出现了显著下降,而且平均增速都不超过 3%。                                 with the average growth rate capped at 3% per annum.

    例如,德国在 1972-2008 年这 36 年中,GDP 增速最高为                           For example, from 1972 to 2008, Germany’s GDP growth rate
    5.3%,其中有 6年出现负增长,年平均增速只有 2.2%;而                               was  the  highest  at  5.3%,  this  was  followed  by  6  years  of
    在步入深度老龄化之前的60年代,GDP增速多次出现 7%                                  negative  growth  at  an  average  annual  growth  rate  of  only
    或 8%以上的增长。                                                    2.2%.  In  the  1960s,  before  moving  into  deep  aging,  GDP
                                                                  growth rates of 7% or 8% or more were achieved.
    图 3 德国 GDP 增速走势图

                                                                  Germany is the strongest manufacturing power in Europe and

                                                                  has  the  best  economic  development  history.  In  contrast,
    德国属于欧洲最强的制造业大国,经济发展状况也是最                                      countries such as the UK, France, Portugal and Canada, which
    好的,相比之下,英国、法国、葡萄牙、加拿大等已经                                      have already entered or are about to enter super-aging, are
    步入或即将步入超老龄化国家,在此过程中的经济增速                                      experiencing lower economic growth than Germany. Japan's
    比德国更低;日本经济增速则长期徘徊在零附近,其中                                      economic growth rate has been hovering around zero for a
    从深度老龄化到超老龄化期间的平均增速只有 1.26%。                                   long time.
                                                                  Will China's economic growth rate also decline as it moves
    下台阶呢?我们不妨从最基本的分析方法入手,即分析                                      into  deep  aging?  Let  us  start  with  the  most  basic  analysis
                                                                  method, that is the troika driving GDP under the expenditure
    支出法下的拉动 GDP“三驾马车”——投资、消费和出                                    approach, the future trends of investment, consumption and
    口的未来走势。                                                       exports.

    首先,必须明确的是中国经济增长中,资本形成(即投                                      First, it must be clear that foreign direct investment makes a
    资)对 GDP 的贡献巨大,2008 年至 2021 年,平均贡献率                            significant contribution to GDP in China's economic growth.
    在43%,两倍于全球各国的平均水平。说明投资拉动型模                                    Between 2008 and 2021, the average contribution was at 43%,
    式是中国经济的一大特色。但是,这一模式到了后期,                                      twice the global average for all countries. It shows that the
    就会出现投资回报率的下降和债务率的上升。据国家金                                      investment-driven  pattern  is  a  major  feature  of  China's
    融与发展实验室发布的研究报告显示,2022 年三季度中                                   economy. However, at a later stage, there was a decline in the
    国宏观杠杆率 273.9%。                                                return on investment and a rise in the debt ratio. According to
                                                                  a  research  report  released  by  the  National  Finance  and

                                                                  Development Laboratory, China's  macro  leverage  ratio  was
                                                                  273.9% in the third quarter of 2022.

                                            CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   March 2023
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