Page 38 - CCFA Journal - Tenth Issue
P. 38

经济论坛 Economics Forum                             加中金融

    从 1-10 月份数据看,社会消费品零售总额的增速只有                                   Looking at data from January to October, the growth rate of
    0.6%,与房地产相关的家具、家电、建材装潢等均出现                                    total  retail  sales  of  consumer  goods  was  only  0.6%,  with
    负增长。而美国 10 月份零售额的同比增速高达 8.3%,可                                negative growth in areas related to real estate like furniture,
    见美国经济主要靠消费拉动。                                                 home  appliances,  building  materials  and  decoration.  With
                                                                  retail sales in the US growing at a year-on-year rate of 8.3% in
    综上分析,我们不难得出结论:随着人口老龄化加速,                                      October, the US economy is largely driven by consumption.
    为高收入国家的迈进过程中,所遇到的难题是其他高收                                      Based on the above analysis: with the accelerated aging of the
    入国家不曾遇到过的,即中国经济在人口处在“青壮年”                                     population,  a  decline  in  the  potential  growth  rate  of  the
                                                                  Chinese economy is inevitable.
    阶段却要参与“晋级赛”,毕竟岁月不饶人。                                          Response. China's economic transition to a
                                                                  consumption-led model
    一年之计在于春(如日本经济在年轻时没有被耽误,现                                      From  the  past,  it  is  easy  to  find  that  whenever  there  is
    在尽管已经“失去 30 年”,却依然成为全球第三大经济                                   downward  pressure  on  the  economy,  we  usually  adopt
    体),中国没有抓住年轻时代的机会,如今就需要克服                                      counter-cyclical policies to stimulate investment, because this
    各种困难,迎接诸多挑战。                                                  method has quick results, is easy to implement and is highly
                                                                  operable.  For  example,  the  infrastructure  investment
                                                                  stimulus policy following the US subprime crisis in 2008, the
    回顾历史不难发现,每次经济下行压力较大的时候,我                                      tax and fee reduction policy implemented for the corporate
    们通常采取逆周期政策来拉动投资,因为该方式见效快,                                     sector starting in 2019 and the new infrastructure policy that’s
    实施便利,操作性强,如 2008 年美国次贷危机后的基建                                  been promoted since 2020. These policies have played a "key"
    投资刺激政策,2019 年开始实施的针对企业部门实施的                                   role in stabilizing growth, but it is a prosperity in consumption
    减税降费政策,2020 年开始推动的新基建政策等。这些                                   that  will  underpin  economic  growth  in  the  long  term.
    政策都对稳增长起到了“关键性”作用,但消费的繁荣                                      Although consumption is a "slow variable", if it is always too
    才是经济增长的长期基础。消费虽然是“慢变量”,但                                      slow  to  stimulate  consumption  and  rely  too  much  on
    如果总是嫌拉动消费见效慢,过度依赖投资拉动,最后                                      investment,  it  will  inevitably  lead  to  distortions  in  the
    势必会导致经济结构的扭曲。                                                 economic structure.
                                                                  China's  economy  is  currently  undergoing  unprecedented
    当前,中国经济正在经历前所未有的变化中,而这一划                                      changes, and this epoch-making transformation is inextricably
    时代的巨变,恰恰与人口老龄化加速密不可分。例如,                                      linked to the accelerated aging of the population. For example,
    中国以农业人口转移为特征的城镇化进程已经处于尾声,                                     the  urbanization  process  in  China,  characterized  by  the
    这是因为农民工的平均年龄已经超过 40 岁,要落叶归根、                                  transfer of the agricultural population, is at its end. This is
    告老还乡,所以,我国流动人口的数量在逐年下降。                                       because the average age of migrant workers is already over

                                                                  40  years  old  and  they  want  to  return  to  their  hometown.
    而且总人口也出现下降,加上城镇化进程放缓,诸多因                                      Therefore,  the  number  of  migrant  population  in  China  is
    素叠加,导致购房需求大幅下降,持续 20 余年的房地产                                   decreasing year by year.
    上升周期结束了。与此同时,过去一直领先于经济发展                                      The  population's  march  towards  super-aging  has  been
    水平的基建投资,随着投资回报率的下降,也无法维持                                      marked  by  a  decline  not  only  in  the  proportion  of  young
    高增长,且受到地方债的约束。这也意味着投资拉动经                                      people, but also in the total population. Combined with the
    济增长的模式已经难以为继,未来只能越来越依赖于消                                      slowdown in urbanization, several factors have combined to
    费。                                                            cause a significant drop in demand for housing and the end of
                                                                  a property upturn cycle that had lasted for over 20 years. At
                                                                  the  same  time,  infrastructure  investment,  which  has  been
                                                                  ahead of the level of economic development in the past, has
                                                                  been  unable  to  sustain  high  growth  as  investment  returns
                                                                  have fallen and is constrained by local debt. This also means
                                                                  that  the  investment-led  model  of  economic  growth  is  no
                                                                  longer sustainable and will have to rely more and more on
                                                                  consumption in the future.

                                            CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   March 2023
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