Page 9 - CCFA Journal - Tenth Issue
P. 9

加中金融                                       宏观经济 Macro Economy

    见过最差的,比历史上任何一年都要差。你想象一下,这期间包括了二战、一战等等,去年美债的回报率是 200 多年来最

    到了 2023 年,我们看到了一个全新的世界。很多人可能还没有意识到,还在赌美联储降息,只要硅谷银行爆了,美联储
    就要降息,一看标普还在 4000 点左右,美国股票市场的估值还在历史均值以上,在 1 倍的方差之外。


    US bonds should be the safest asset in everyone's mind. The ten-year yield on US bonds determines the global risk-free interest
    rate. Since you bought the safest asset, but your losses are the largest, last year US bonds performed worse than US stocks. Last
    year, the nominal return rate of US bonds was the worst we have seen since we have had data, worse than any year in history.
    Imagine that this period includes World War II, World War I, etc., and the return rate of US bonds last year was the worst in over
    200 years. It's strange that the safest place has become the most dangerous place.

    In 2023, we see a brand new world. Many people may not realize it yet and are still betting on the US Federal Reserve lowering
    interest rates. As long as Silicon Valley Bank collapses, the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates. Looking at the S&P still around
    4000 points, US stock market valuations are still above historical averages, beyond one standard deviation.

    Let's take a look at how the US economy is performing. I have been doing quantitative analysis of economic cycles for a long time,
    and some people call me a "cyclicalist". With the theory of economic cycles, we can see very clearly through quantitative models
    and simulations how an entity's economy operates during an economic cycle, and how other macroeconomic indicators reflect
    the operation of economic cycles. At the same time, when we observe the cycle, why do we say that the power of the cycle is
    irresistible? Because during the operation of the cycle, we observe that all macroeconomic variables across departments run in
    the same direction with a predetermined rhythm and frequency. When this wave comes, no one can resist it.


    The blue line on the chart corresponds to a quantified indicator of the US economy, which combines leading data from various
    sectors of the US economy and is processed through a filtering and noise reduction algorithm. The blue line clearly reflects the
    performance of the US economic cycle over the past two to three decades, which consists of a short economic cycle of approximately
    three to four years, two or three of which form a long economic cycle of seven to eleven years, and so on. Therefore, the smallest
    unit of economic cycle, the short cycle, is about three to four years. Within each short cycle, the economy runs from bottom to top,
    and then back to bottom, taking about three years.

                                            CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   March 2023
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