Page 33 - CCFA Journal - Third Issue
P. 33

Investment Forum 投资论坛                              加中金融

        纵观黑石集团,就可以了解 ESG 在当今投资界的主导地位。                             To  understand  just  how  dominant  ESG  investing  is  today,
        黑石集团是全球最大的资产管理公司,资产管理规模达                                  consider Blackrock. This is the world’s largest asset manager,
        7.81 万亿美元。 每年,黑石集团首席执行官拉里·芬克                              with 7.81 trillion USD in assets under management. Every year,
                                                                  Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, writes to the companies in
        (Larry Fink)都会致信黑石集团所投资的公司。 这封信
                                                                  which Blackrock invests. This letter is on behalf of Blackrock’s
                                                                  clients,  the  majority  of  whom  have  decades-long  investment
        的投资周期,并计划退休。 作为这些客户的受托人,黑石                                horizons and are planning for retirement.  As a fiduciary to these
        集团倡导可持续性的,具有长期增长和盈利能力的投资理                                 clients Blackrock advocates for practices that it believes will
        念。                                                        drive sustainable, long-term growth and profitability.
        关于 ESG 的讨论,已经从它的传统驱动因素(在下文进一                              The conversation has moved beyond the traditional drivers of
        步阐述),上升到了把公司在社会中所扮演的角色与 ESG                               ESG  (stated  further  below)  to  a  more  comprehensive
                                                                  understanding of the company’s role in society which serves the
        投资者的理念匹配起来。正如拉里·芬克(Larry Fink)
                                                                  mindset  of  the  ESG  investor.  As  Larry  Fink  expresses  it,
                                                                  “purpose is not a mere tagline or marketing campaign; it is a
                                                                  company’s fundamental reason for being – what it does every
        的追求利润,而是实现目标的雄心壮志。利润和目标不可                                 day to create value for its stakeholders. Purpose is not the sole
        能是相反的,实际上它们是密不可分的。如果一家公司要                                 pursuit of profits but the animating force for achieving them.
        长期有效地为利益相关人士(不光是股东,还包括员工,                                 Profits are in no way inconsistent with purpose – in fact, profits
        客户和社区)提供服务,那么盈利是至关重要的。同样,                                 and purpose are inextricably linked. Profits are essential if a
        当一家公司真正理解并阐明了它的目标时,它的工作重点                                 company is to effectively serve all of its stakeholders over time
                                                                  –  not  only  shareholders,  but  also  employees,  customers,  and
                                                                  communities. Similarly, when a company truly understands and
                                                                  expresses its purpose, it functions with the focus and strategic
                                                                  discipline  that  drive  long-term  profitability.  Purpose  unifies
        公司文化,为所有决策提供了标准框架,从而给公司股东                                 management,  employees,  and  communities.  It  drives  ethical
        带来了可持续的长期回报。”                                             behavior  and  creates  an  essential  check  on  actions  that  go
                                                                  against the best interests of stakeholders. Purpose guides culture,
        以上的引用总结了我公司的投资理念,以及 ESG 在寻找以                              provides  a  framework  for  consistent  decision-making,  and,
        目标驱动为主旨的投资标的时起到的作用。                                       ultimately,  helps  sustain  long-term  financial  returns  for  the
                                                                  shareholders of your company.”
        2. ESG 投资的驱动因素
                                                                  The above quote sums up the investment philosophy of my firm,
        为了理解什么是具有使命感的投资,这里有几个重要的驱                                 Honeytree  Investment  Management,  and  the  idea  that  ESG
        动因素和战略方针需要重点介绍:                                           collides with ‘impact’ in the form of identifying and seeking out
                                                                  ‘purpose driven’ companies to invest in. In other words, given
                                                                  the pressing social and environmental problems we are facing
        2.1 积极的社会效应                                               today, like climate change and growing inequality, all investors
                                                                  must think about the companies they are investing in and if a
        为社会和环境带来积极的效应是 ESG 投资的基石和强大的                              company’s  “purpose”  contributes  to  positive  sustainable
        动力。故而有人将其视为投资与价值的融合。通过向具有                                 growth or if it exacerbates social and environmental problems.
                                                                  Companies  that  fulfill  their  purpose  and  responsibilities  to
        良好 ESG 表现的公司提供资金或通过参与改善业绩来为社
        会或环境做出积极贡献的理念吸引了很多投资者。                                    stakeholders reap rewards over the long-term. Companies that
                                                                  ignore them stumble and fail.
        2.2 风险管理
                                                                  2.  Drivers of ESG Investing
        投资经理和研究人员越来越意识到,ESG 的驱动因素与公                               In  an  attempt  to  understand  responsible  investing,  there  are
        司发展密切相关。 另外投资者也越来越相信,如果一家公                                several key drivers and strategic approaches worth highlighting:
        司无法处理好 ESG 投资理念,它将会面临一系列风险,包
                                                                  2.1 Positive societal outcomes
        这些风险可能会对其市场价值产生巨大的影响。                                     The goal of positive societal and environmental outcomes was
                                                                  the foundation for the ESG movement and continues to be a
        在投资过程中,融入对 ESG 的考量可以减少风险敞口,因                              strong motivator. This is referred to by some as the alignment
        为综合分析公司的 ESG 理念和财务指标,可以更全面地了                              of  investments  with  values.  The  idea  that  individuals  can
        解公司的整体风险状况。                                               contribute to positive societal and environmental outcomes by
                                                                  providing capital to companies with strong ESG performance
                                                                  or  by  improving  performance  through  engagement  is
                                                                  compelling for many investors.

                                                                  2.2 Risk management

                                                                  There is a growing recognition among investment managers and
                                                                  researchers  that  ESG  factors  are  relevant  to  companies.
                                                                  Investors  increasingly  believe  that  companies  that  fail  to
                                                                  manage  ESG  issues  expose  themselves  to  a  range  of  risks,
                                                                  including  physical,  regulatory,  competitive,  litigation  and
                                                                  reputational, that can have a measurable effect on market value.

                                                                  Considering ESG factors in the investment process can reduce
                                                                  exposure  to  risks  because  analyzing  a  company’s  ESG
                                                                  performance in combination with financial metrics provides a
                                                                  more holistic view of that company’s overall risk profile.

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