Page 44 - CCFA Journal - 8th Issue
P. 44

协会论坛 CCFA Forum                                  加中金融

    “投资财富管理” 加中金融论坛会

    CCFA Forum “Investment and Wealth Management”

    (CCFA 志愿者 Sara and Julia 撰稿,Mike 翻译)

    2022 年 8 月 18 号,由加中金融协会 CCFA 主办的  “投资财富管理” 加中金融论坛会圆满结束。本次论坛中,三位发言
    的行业发展发表了个人见解。精彩的分享使 30 余名在场观众沉浸在这场知识的饕餮盛宴中。
    在论坛的开始,CCFA 会长顾大局在开幕词中向三位发言人,赞助商盈透证券,志愿者们以及在场的观众表达了诚挚的欢

    After two long years since the pandemic started, we successfully hosted our first in-person event on August 18th, 2022. We were
    privileged to have three highly accomplished leaders in the Canadian wealth management industry join us to share both their
    professional journeys and personal learnings about the past, present, and future trends in their practice. Our audience was also
    clearly itching to get back to meeting in person, as the event sold out almost immediately after the event announcement.

    CCFA  president, Daju  Gu, gave  a warm  greeting  to our  guests  and  audiences.  He  emphasized  the  importance of professional
    development to CCFA’s historical success, and thanked our volunteers and sponsors for their continued support in our mission to
    build a global network of researchers and business professionals in the financial industry.

    Below is an abridged version of the panel’s takeaways, the panel was hosted by Mark Yuan (MY), and the three guests were
    Ashley Warburton (AW), Pengfei Sun (PS), and Anthony Lam (AL).


    Ashley Warburton 目前任职于 RBC 全球资产管理部门,是一位投资组合经理。她每日主要负责交易基金,帮助建立投资

    Anthony Lam 在 RBC 银行就职了 25 年,在他职业生涯的前 17 年任职于零售银行中不同的岗位,包括分行经理,  销售经
    起监督金融服务的实施。在过去的 2 两年半里,他的团队负责国际客户,亚洲高净值客户是其主要的目标群体。

    Pengfei  Sun 在 TD 银行拥有五年的财富管理经验,他管理一个超过 100 人的技术团队。他曾在美国就职于不同的服务型组

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