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Dear Professional Colleagues & Students,

                “Your image is your brand and you                   moment, foot prints left by my illustrious

               have only one  opportunity to make                   predecessors’, their  invaluable  sacrifices

               that first impression. Choose to make a              and contributions  for the  development

               positive first impression.”                          and growth  of the Institute  and  the
                                                                    profession  are  the bench  mark  for me to
               ―Cindy Ann Peterson.
                                                                    proceed and  take this  journey to  a  new

               At the outset I take  this opportunity to            destination  with  more  lauds.  I am
               wish each and every  one of you a happy              confident that our profession would find a

               prosperous and eventful New Year 2017.               new place in the corporate arena with the

               Let this New Year bring happiness, peace,            more  and more recognitions  from the

               prosperity  and  good health  to  you  and           Regulators in the economic development
               members of your family.                              of India. It is our bounden duty to serve

                                                                    our Nation  as  a responsible  citizen  of

               With all your support and good wishes, I             India through the profession of company
               am  elected as the Chairman of Southern              secretaries.

               India Regional Council (SIRC) of the ICSI
                                                                    Friends, I  am happy  to  inform you  that
               for the  year 2017. I  am  honoured and
                                                                    my colleagues at SIRC, CS Ramakrishna
               privileged to assume the Office of the
                                                                    Gupta and CS Mohan Kumar  A  are
               Chairman of  SIRC  of The ICSI. My
                                                                    elected  as Vice-  Chairman and  Secretary
               heartfelt thanks to  all of you and  my
                                                                    of SIRC of ICSI respectively for the year
               colleagues in the Regional Council for
               having reposed their trust and confidence

               in me. I assure you that I will work hard            I take this opportunity to congratulate CS Dr.
               and try  to meet  the expectations  of our           Shyam  Agrawal and  CS  Makarand Lele,  for

               esteemed  members  and students. At this             being elected to the Office of the President

                                   SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017
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