Page 111 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 111
Regardless of whether that timeframe is 90 days or 2 years, you will need
to interact with them a little bit differently than current customers. Your
goal is to be thinking of ways to try to ‘win them back’.
Unlike an existing customer, you’ll want to keep this group current on any
new products you are offering, perhaps a special event or promotion
specifically for former clients, or even a small, meaningful free gift to
encourage the Law of Reciprocity!
3. General Prospects: General prospects are people who have not yet bought
from you, but have shown some interest. Perhaps you secured their name
and email from a free offer or coupon they downloaded from your website.
Your goal with this segment is to court them, to woo them over to you.
These folks have different wants and needs than your current or former
clients. Different things are important to prospective customers than what
is important to a former customer.
For example, if they haven’t bought from you before, they will likely need
to see more testimonials from satisfied customers; more proof in advance
of making a purchase, or perhaps more stats and figures to boost their trust
in you and your services. This group still needs to know why you're better
and different than their other choices.