Page 41 - flip book- How To Survive Baby Loss
P. 41
Identity—Not Just a Parent of Child Loss
Your Self is not to blame. Hear what I am about to say. It
comes from a place of love. You have never “killed” your babies.
You have loved your babies every minute and continue to love
them. The hardest part are the circumstances that you cannot
control, but it’s not your fault.
Unrelated to baby loss, I’ve had self-hatred for my hearing
loss a lot of my life and beat myself up over it and over not hear-
ing like everyone, and handling the frustrations that go along
with it. My husband told me recently he had a word for me,
that “Jesus took the beating so that I would not have to.” Jesus took
all your self-doubt, blame, hatred, and shame so you could be a
recipient of grace, life, and peace. Though my hearing loss and
baby loss are not the same, they come from a similar place of
inability to understand who I am in Christ.
“Rest Your guilt-driven grief on God’s grace.” —Author Jack
God wants to speak to your heart. Your “reproductive sta-
tus” does not determine your worth. I hear you. You just want
your child. Let Him speak an encouraging or even a gently cor-
rective word. You are valuable because a valuable Maker made
you. Pick one to write on a post-it somewhere where you can
see it, and remind yourself throughout the day of your identity.
“For this moment I will believe my worth. God wants to
speak to my heart and I will listen.”
Meditate on the following biblical promises about your iden-
● I am accepted by Jesus, so I can accept others (Rom
● I am no longer a slave to sin (Rom 6:6).
● God is able to make all grace abound to me (2 Cor. 9:8).
● When I hunger and thirst after righteousness; I will be
filled (Matt. 5:6).
● The anointing of God is in me (1 John 2:27).