Page 19 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 19
Originators Mainstream
1Rebel TruFusion
• Founded in 2015 • Founded in 2015
• Two locations in London • Five franchise locations
• Studios for cycling, boxing and • Currently franchising a 4-studio (10k-
HIIT 14k sf) and 3-studio (3.5k-8k sf) model
• Lifestyle brand targeting hipster • Original 10,000 sf location generates
Millennials $2.3 million of rev and $.7 of EBITDA
Another Space
• Founded in 2016 by London gym
operator Third Space
• Studios for cycling, yoga and HIIT
• Cost for 10 classes is $40 more
than unlimited membership at
high-end Third Space
The FIRM Key Take-Away
• Multi-studio location in MSP that The innovation in multi-studio models is happing in Europe
opened in 2011 and Australia. Development in the US has largely been limited
• More of a boutiques gym with to entrepreneurs developing two-studio models. TruFusion is
five separate studios
a successful model in Phoenix, but may be too vanilla to
attract most Millennials.