Page 71 - Missa Hkungga Nawng ya ai lam
P. 71


               Yesu   gaw   ap  kau  hkrum    ai   shana  e,
                       He takes the host in both hands and,  holding
                       it  slightly raised  above  the  altar, continues:

               muk   hpe  la  nna,
               Nang   Wa  hpe  chyeju  dum  shakawn wu  ai.
               Dai  muk  hpe  ahkyep   alep  di  nna,

               sape  ni  hpe  jaw  let   tsun  wu  ai  gaw:
                       Inclining slightly he says:

               NANHTE   YAWNG   NDAI   HPE   LA   NNA   SHA   MU:
               NDAI   GAW,   NANHTE   A   MATU  AP   KAU   NA,

               NYE   A   HKUM   RAI   NGA   LI   AI.
                       He shows the consecrated host  to the people,

                       places it on the paten and, genuflecting, adores.
                       Then he uncovers  the chalice and says:
               Bai Yesu   gaw,   shana   shat   sha   ngut  jang,

                       He takes the chalice in both hands and holding it
                       slightly raised, continues:
               gawm   hpe   la   nna Nang  Wa  hpe  chyeju   dum   shakawn

               wu   ai. Dai   hpang   sape   ni   hpe   jaw   let   tsun   wu   ai   gaw:
                       Inclining slighyly he says:

               NANHTE   YAWNG   NDAI   HTA   NA   LU   MU:
               NDAI   GAW,   NYE   A   SAI   RAWNG   AI   GAWM   RAI
               NGA   AI.

               SHUT   HPYIT   MARA   RAW   MAT   LU   MU   GA,

               RU  KAU  NA,
               HTANI  HTANA  GA  SHAKA  NNAN  A  SAI
               RAI  NGA  AI.

               NGAI  HPE   A  DUM  NGA   NA  MATU
               NDAI  GALAW  MU.

                        He shows the chalice to  the people, places it on the

                        corporal and, genuflecting adores.
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