Page 42 - Osprey Binder
P. 42


               1)      TM attends driver briefing and receives final briefing from UIM Commissioner.

               2)      TM briefs the team on schedule and deployment, providing detail for casualty
                       transfer to shore.

               3)      Deployment of boats is specific to race venue.

               4)      Boats are deployed 15 minutes prior to Green Flag and take up station.

               5)      On station the crew observe the event each taking a quadrant by which they
                       can cover the whole course thus being able to see an incident immediately.

               6)      In  the  event  of  an  incident  requiring  a  rescue  boat  to  recover  a  pilot,  the
                       nearest boat  will make best safe speed (P2) to the incident allowing the front
                       men to assess the method of recovery required. On reaching the incident the
                       first boat to arrive will take charge of the recovery whilst the second boat is
                       placed between the incident and oncoming race boats to provide a safe area
                       for recovery of the pilot.

               7)      Incident scenario(s):

                       Situations change swiftly with there being the following basic scenarios:

                                     (Photos in Annex 4, P1 - P6)

                              i)     Pilot escapes from cockpit and is in the water (uninjured) (P1)

                              ii)    Pilot escapes the cockpit and is in the water (injured) (P2)

                              iii)   Pilot still in cockpit with boat above surface. (P6)

                              iv)    Pilot still in cockpit under the surface,

                              v)     Two (or more)boats crash, both Osprey boats involved (P6)

                       From these scenarios, the decision process is simple whereby, if the pilot is
                       above the surface and in the water then the front men will place them on a
                       stretcher and slide it into the boat. If the pilot is still in the cockpit but above
                       the surface there is time to assess the recovery method. The scenario where
                       they are under the surface gives rise to the approach to utilise the "A" Frame
                       structure to ensure the cockpit is elevated above the surface and also has the
                       reversionary  method  of  using  lifting  bags  attached  to  the  boat  for  lift  and

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