Page 44 - Osprey Binder
P. 44
5.0 Crew Complement
There are 4 personnel on each Osprey Boat and comprise:
1) Helmsman X 1
2) Radio/Flag/First Aid person X 1
3) Front men (Divers) X 2
Their duties consist of:
The Helmsman is in charge of the boat and controls where it is situated and ensures
that it is kept in a position throughout the event where the crew have visibility round
360 degrees at all times and keeps the boat out of harm's way whilst the race boats
are on the course.
Radio/Flag/First Aid personnel are in control of communications and signals between
UIM commissioner, Osprey 1 and Osprey 2. They must have good radio
communications skills. They are also the primary assessors of the extent of injuries
to a pilot brought on board and determines procedure for aiding. Can also back up
the men in the water if required.
Front men are essentially the personnel who carry out the dynamic assessment of
the incident and react to the requirement as necessary. It may be necessary to
extract the pilot from the Safety Cell under the surface if conditions do not allow it to
be raised above the surface.
HMS/02/050615/Issue 2 Page 11