Page 46 - Osprey Binder
P. 46

7.0  Conclusions and Recommendations


               1)      It  is  concluded  that  the  Osprey  Powerboat  Rescue  Team  Ltd.  have  gained
                       relevant  knowledge  and  experience  of  powerboat  racing  rescue  over  many
                       years and apply dynamic change to improve the level of safety involved in the
                       rescue pilots of powerboats after an incident.

               2)      It is also concluded that the level of experience and training of the members of
                       the Osprey Powerboat Rescue Team Ltd. and the application of the rescue
                       methods employed is such  that the hazards involved in rescuing  a crashed
                       pilot have been reduced to a level that is as low "So Far As is Reasonably
                       Practicable" (SFARP) in accordance with European Law.


               1)      At this time there are no recommendations.

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