Page 10 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 10


            In the Midst of an evolution

            The  BPLD  has  been  working  diligently  on  automating  the  business  registration  system  as  early  as  July  2019.
            The  improvements being implemented came at an opportune time as nobody knew that a global pandemic would
            drastically change our way of life. In shifting the processes online, not only did the Department make it simpler, quicker, and
            easier for customers; it also kept them safe from an unseen virus.

            The  global  health  pandemic  hastened  the  automation  and  digitization  of  BPLD’s  processes  and  services.  This  shift
            required the consolidation and integration of all business licenses and permits processes while also making these processes
            completely digital.

            Realizing the Vision: QC BIZ EASY

            The vision of the current leadership of BPLD became a reality with the  QC BIZ EASY:  Online  Unified  Business
            Permit  Application  System  (OUBPAS),  launched  in  October  2020  via  the  city’s  official  online  portal,

            The portal, currently supported by an app that can be downloaded, allows the application of new business permits
            and renewal or amendment of existing licenses and short-term/special permits. The submitted applications would be sent
            simultaneously to the ancillary departments.

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