P. 96

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                  free  and  are  credited  to  the  total  accumulated  value  of  the  members’  personal
                                  contribution and the employer’s counterpart share.

                 Short Term Loan
                                         The  short-term  loan  program  in  the  form  of  the  Multi-  Purpose  Loan
                                  benefits is applicable to members who have made at least 24 monthly contributions
                                  to  the  fund  and  have  been  contributing  members  upon  loan  application.  The
                                  amount of loan depends upon the member’s total accumulated value.

                 Expanded Housing Loan Program
                                         Primarily, the fund promotes home ownership through the establishment of
                                  an  affordable  and  adequate  housing  credit  system  for  each  member.  Thus,  an
                                  expanded housing loan program is offered for the construction of a residential unit,
                                  purchase of a lot only; purchase of a lot and construction of a residential unit on
                                  this  lot;  home  improvement;  refinancing  of  existing  loan,  and  redemption  of  a
                                  foreclosed mortgage. (Phil. Civil Service Employee Handbook)

                  3.1.12.   Employees Compensation Program

                 In  the  event  of  work-related  injury  or  death,  a  member  is  given  adequate,  tax-
                                  exempt income benefit and medical or related benefits.
                 Work-related injury, resulting to disability or death is to be compensated, i.e., the
                                  injury must have been sustained during working hours and at the work place, and
                                  the member must have been performing official functions.
                 Moreover, the sickness and the resulting disability or death to be compensated must
                                  be the result of an occupational disease or the chances for contacting it have been
                                  increased by the working conditions.

                  3.1.13.  Leave Benefits in General
                 Leave of Absence
                          Leave of Absence (LOA) is a privilege to be absent from duty for one or
                                             more days, with his/her positions held for him/her until his/her return. A
                                             leave  of  absence  requires  authorization  and  consent  of  the  faculty’s
                                             immediate supervisor/head or his/her designated representative.
                          All kinds of leave of absence taken by the faculty should be applied for
                                             and  submitted  to  the  Dean/Campus  Director  through  the  Department
                                             Head  for  action.  The  prescribed  form  for  leave  application  is  Civil
                                             Service Form No. 6 series (revised 1984), where the purpose/reason for
                                             such leave has to be clearly indicated.
                          An official or an employee who is continuously absent without approved
                                             leave  for  at  least  thirty  (30)  calendar  days  shall  be  considered  on
                                             absence without official leave (AWOL) and shall be separated from the
                                             service  or  dropped  from  the  roll  without  prior  notice.  A  notice  of
                                             separation for service shall be sent to his/her last known address not
                                             later than five (5) days.
                          If the number of unauthorized absences incurred is less than thirty (30)
                                             calendar  days,  a  written  Return-to-Work  Order  shall  be  served  to
                                             him/her  at  his/her  last  known  address  on  record.  Failure  on  his/her

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