Page 20 - Black Friday Ebook (FINAL)
P. 20
Don’t run into payment issues at a critical time
Here are a couple of tips to make ● Make sure you’re not the only
sure you’re not running into one that has access to the Ad
issues at a critical time: account in case you lose
access to your profile.
○ Add a business partner, a
● Get your budget approved in trusted employee, your
advance if you need approval, spouse or a family
so you can scale quickly and member!
without delay
○ Give them Admin access
● Get your payment methods - BUT, be VERY certain
sorted out (make sure you that it's someone you
have no limits on your credit 100% TRUST
● If you set up a new Ad
● Have a backup Facebook/ account on Facebook, you
Google Ad account in case won’t be allowed to spend
the initial one has issues $1000/day immediately.
So you will need to scale up
slowly prior to November.
We Are Purple Dog Tips
How do you split your budget on cold, warm and hot audiences?
There are 2 types of split: one for pre-traffic, and the other for the promotion
Head to our Campaign Structure chapter for guidance on that topic.