Page 6 - MRT 1-2
P. 6

38. CLW  :  Chittaranjan Locomotive Works

          39. PCV      :  Passenger Coaching Vehicle
          40. CPME :  Chief Power Motive Engineer
          41. SIO             :    Senior Inspective Officer

          42. Dy. CMM:  Dy. Chief Material Manager
          43. BIS             :  Bureau of Indian Standards
          44. EMD  :  Earnest Money Deposit

          45. ROL   :
                                             True or False : MRT 1 & 2

          1.  Maximum  limit  of hospital leave  is 2 years

          2.  Compensation is given even if an employee involved in an accident in an intoxicated

          3.  Compensation of permanent disability  is minimum  2 lakhs
          4.  If a factory is having more 250 employees then there must be a canteen
          5.  If there are more than 100 employees it is necessary to have ambulance

          7.  The president of PREM at divisional  level  is DRM
          8.  Terms and conditions o f employment is discussed is JCM
          9.  PNM meeting  at board level  is conducted once in every month

          10.  An employee who works upto 12 hours including  rest ie care taker is called essential
                 intermittent  employee
          11.  The minimum  compensation for permanent disability   is 90000

          12.  Total insurance amount is not paid on death of an employee
          13.  Death gratuity  is given on death of an employee
          14.  On retirement  the quarters can be occupied till  6 months by an employee

          15.  Encashment of leave on retirement  is upto 300 days
          16.  The last digit of PL number is called check digit
          17.  BOXN wagon comes under major group 33

          18.  The chief of stores department at zonal level  is controller of stores (COS)
          19.  FSC analysis is based on value  of material

          20.  The time taken between supply order and receipt of material  is called lead time
          21.  The last digit of PL number is called check digit         TRUE
          22.  The verification  of PL No. is done through Module 11 method.  FALSE
          23.  B category items comes between 4.36 lakhs to 49 lakhs annual cost               TRUE

          24.  There are 75 main groups for PL number.            TRUE
          25.  The first two digits of PL no. indicates the main group.   TRUE
          26.  The material  which is not issued for more than 1 year is called dead surplus material

          27.  Imprest store is issued through imprest store issue voucher.             TRUE
          28.  Issue note is prepared for issue of material  for workshop.  FALSE
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