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  Through  this  workers  duty  related  demands,  working  conditions,  increasing  capacity

           related issues are discussed.
           Two stages in Railways

         Joint departmental Council: At Railway  Board level.
         President: Member Personnel
         Members from Govt. side: 5 to 10
         Members from Employee side: Total 30, 15 each of both Unions
         Meeting: Once in four months
         Joint National Council: At Central Govt. level.

         President: Cabinet Secretary
         Members from Govt. side: 24 members of different ministries
         Members  from Employee side: 60 members of recognized Unions of all ministries. 24
           members of both Federation of Railways.
         If no decision could be arrived at, then such subjects are given to Arbitration.
         Three  members  for  Arbitration  at  Board  level.  One  member  from  Govt.  side  shall  be
           nominated  by  five  members  .  2   member  nominated  by  National  Council  in  similar
         Chairman shall be a neutral person.
         These three persons are appointed by Central Labour Ministry
         Everyone  shall  be  bound  by  the  decision.  Only  Parliament  has  the  highest  authority  to

           change these decisions.
         If  Parliament  does  not  change  the  decision,  then  the  same  shall  be  applicable  for  36

        Q 6 & 7. Major and Minor Penalties
        Two  groups  of  penalties  are  laid  down  under  D&AR  1968  i.e.  Major  and  Minor.  Major
        penalties are those where a detailed procedure as laid down in Article 311 of the Constitution
        of India is to be observed, whereas a simpler procedure as laid down in DAR 1968 is to be
        observed in case of Minor Penalties
        Minor Penalties:
        i.  Censure
        ii.  Withholding  of promotion for a specified period
        iii. Recovery  from  pay the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Govt. or the
            Railway  Administration  by negligence  or breach of orders.
        iv. Withholding  of Privilege  passes or PTO or both
        v.  Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a period not exceeding three year
            without cumulative  effect and not adversely affecting his pension.
        vi. Withholding  of  increments  of  pay  for  a  specified  period  with  further  directions  as  to
            whether on the expiry of such period this will or will not have the effect of postponing the
            future increments of pay
        Major Penalties:
        i.  Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay  for a specified period, with further
            directions as to whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not have
            the effect of postponing further increments of pay
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