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finalized  by Mechanical      Engineering                 Engineering  department
                 engineering  department       department
                 It includes procurement       It includes                 It includes procurement of

                 / replacement of any          construction of any         overaged / replacement / new
                 machine for any               service building, new       rolling  stock and also
                 department of Railways        lines, gauge                modification and upgradation of
                                               conversion, etc.            rolling  stock (coach, wagon &
                 Powers:                       Powers:                     Powers:
                 DRM – NIL                     DRM – up to Rs.50 l         DRM – NIL
                 GM – up to Rs.10 la           GM – up to Rs.1 cr          GM – NIL
                 Rly. Bd. – Full Pow           Rly. Bd. – Full Power  Rly. Bd. – Full Power

        Q 21. Organisation flow chart of mechanical department at Rly. Board level:
        Q 22. Organisation flow chart of mechanical department at Zonal HQ level:

        Q 23. Organisation flow chart of Workshop:
        Q 24. Organisation flow chart at Divisional level:

        Q 25. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

        Every tenderer is required to deposit with the tender and EMD for the due fulfilment of the
        condition of the contract
        1  for  the  value  of  work  estimated  to  cost  upto  1  crore  the  EMD  amount  is  2  %  of  the

        estimated cost of the work.
        2 for the value of work estimated to cost more than 1 crore the EMD amount is 2 +0.5 % of
        the excess of estimated cost of the work beyond Rs 1 crore

        Q 26. Single Tender:

              In single  tender through OEM the AMC work will  be done.
              In special emergency case also this tender will be called after approval of FA&CAO or

              The procedure of single  tender is similarly  as open tender.

              In case of single tender the tender committee member should be one grade higher as
               compare to other tender committee members .
              In emergency conditions the power sanctioning amount authority is as under –
               20 lakh /case (annual  limit  upto 1 crore)- PHOD

                10 lakh per case (annual  limit  upto 50 lakh) – DRM/CWM

        Q 27. PL No: (Long Q 30)

        In order to recognise every item distinctly, each item appearing in the nomenclature book has
        been  allotted  a  code  number,  which  is  also  known  as  PL  number.  These  numbers  enable
        unique  identification  of stock items and as a result of extensive  standardisation all over the

        Railways,  easy  exchange  of  information  on  each  item  among  the  Railway  Zones  and
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