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P. 13
finalized by Mechanical Engineering Engineering department
engineering department department
It includes procurement It includes It includes procurement of
/ replacement of any construction of any overaged / replacement / new
machine for any service building, new rolling stock and also
department of Railways lines, gauge modification and upgradation of
conversion, etc. rolling stock (coach, wagon &
Powers: Powers: Powers:
DRM – NIL DRM – up to Rs.50 l DRM – NIL
GM – up to Rs.10 la GM – up to Rs.1 cr GM – NIL
Rly. Bd. – Full Pow Rly. Bd. – Full Power Rly. Bd. – Full Power
Q 21. Organisation flow chart of mechanical department at Rly. Board level:
Q 22. Organisation flow chart of mechanical department at Zonal HQ level:
Q 23. Organisation flow chart of Workshop:
Q 24. Organisation flow chart at Divisional level:
Q 25. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
Every tenderer is required to deposit with the tender and EMD for the due fulfilment of the
condition of the contract
1 for the value of work estimated to cost upto 1 crore the EMD amount is 2 % of the
estimated cost of the work.
2 for the value of work estimated to cost more than 1 crore the EMD amount is 2 +0.5 % of
the excess of estimated cost of the work beyond Rs 1 crore
Q 26. Single Tender:
In single tender through OEM the AMC work will be done.
In special emergency case also this tender will be called after approval of FA&CAO or
The procedure of single tender is similarly as open tender.
In case of single tender the tender committee member should be one grade higher as
compare to other tender committee members .
In emergency conditions the power sanctioning amount authority is as under –
20 lakh /case (annual limit upto 1 crore)- PHOD
10 lakh per case (annual limit upto 50 lakh) – DRM/CWM
Q 27. PL No: (Long Q 30)
In order to recognise every item distinctly, each item appearing in the nomenclature book has
been allotted a code number, which is also known as PL number. These numbers enable
unique identification of stock items and as a result of extensive standardisation all over the
Railways, easy exchange of information on each item among the Railway Zones and