Page 41 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
P. 41


                                                                                     Diseases like zika and
                                                                                    malaria have already been
                                                                                    found in Costa Rica but the
                                                                                    risk is currently limited to
                                                                                    certain regions. However,
                                                                                    as the climate continues to
                                                                                    warm, the risk will continue
                                                                                    to increase and spread
                                                                                    across the country.

                                                                                    Rainfall has also become
                                                                                    more unpredictable. The
                                                                                    harvest season typically

                        Liam and his mentor picking coffee                          has little rainfall (which is
                                                                                    why it is perfect to harvest
                        Roberto also pays his pickers $3.00 per                     and dry coffee) but, in
                       Cajuela (40% more than the legal minimum                     recent years, there has
                       for pickers in Costa Rica) which helps to                    been more unseasonal
                       provide them with a better quality of life as                rainfall. This issue is three-
                       well as a fairer price for their hard work.                  fold: premature

                       Impacts on farming                                           blossoming, early drying
                                                                                    on the tree, and
                        Climate change has a multitude of effects on                interruptions during
                       coffee farming. Leaf rust, for example, used to              drying. As mentioned
                       be an issue at lower altitudes but is now                    previously, coffee mass
                       present everywhere and more frequently.                      blooms 12 days after the
                       Roberto has many processes in place to                       rainy season has ended –
                       manage rust outbreaks (discussed in a                        after which the blossom
                       previous article) but the issues will get worse              dies and eventually
                       as climate conditions become more                            becomes a cherry.
                       favourable for rust.                                         Unseasonal rainfall during

                        Similarly, this year there have been lots more              the harvest season can
                       mosquitoes around the farm. They                             cause buds on new-growth
                       congregate around the pulper and the drying                  branches to prematurely
                       coffee, where there is lots of moisture and                  blossom. This blossom
                       sugar. Trying to work with these buzzing                     may produce a cherry but         NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39

                       around is incredibly annoying. As well, there is             it will mature out of
                       also the possibility of them carrying diseases.              harvest season. Likewise,
                       It is known that disease-carrying mosquitoes                 buds only blossom once so
                       have begun migrating to new countries as the                 this premature blossoming
                       climate warms.                                               has led to a loss of
                                                                                    production on next year’s

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