Page 42 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
P. 42
New growth for Cafeology
the following year
It is a waiting game until
the rain stops and
conditions brighten up
before the coffee can be
uncovered and begins
drying again. Stopping the
drying process is a major
Premature issue for production,
blossoming especially because drying
coffee is the biggest
Premature bottleneck in the process.
drying If you lose a day of drying
because of rain, you have
more coffee that is picked
A few instances of premature blossoming are and waiting to get pulped
annoying, but on a large scale it is potentially than usual. Remember,
once picked, pre-
Comparable to premature blossoming, fermentation should only
unseasonal rainfall can cause cherries to dry be left for 1-2 days before
while still on the branches. Here, the cherries undesirable fermentation
shrivel up, turn black and become hard. This takes hold.
is problematic because these cherries are
now low quality and must be processed If the backlog is large
elsewhere. Therefore, Roberto will lose enough, Roberto will
productivity from what could have been a ripe need to send even more
cherry. This drying is common to see than usual off to another
sporadically on branches, amongst plenty of mill for drying.
ripe cherries, however, entire trees can be Furthermore, if coffee has
afflicted too (especially if the tree is been re-wetted there is a
positioned in a sunnier spot, subject to less chance that mould can
shade). Again, a few instances are annoying set in – destroying
but large scale is devastating. batches. Therefore,
Once the coffee is laid out to dry, the last unseasonal rainfall can be
thing you want is more moisture to be added catastrophic regarding
back by the rain. This is happening on ever production and NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
more frequent rainy days during the harvest profitability when you
season. When the rain starts, everyone at the combine premature
mill stops what they are doing to cover the blossoming, premature
coffee as soon as possible. They start with the drying, and drying delays.
driest batch and work their way around until
all the coffee is covered.