Page 45 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
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                         As our climate warms, the previously cooler                 Cafeology
                       temperatures at higher altitudes become
                       warmer. These higher altitudes and cooler
                       temperatures (amongst other associated                         Further thanks to their
                       environmental factors) are the fabric that                    son Michael, and
                       allows high-quality arabica to grow. Worldwide,               grandsons Mario & Javier,
                       coffee farmers must grow coffee at                            who answered every
                       increasingly higher altitudes because of this                 question with passion and
                       warming. Unfortunately, there will eventually                 without hesitation.
                       be no more mountains to climb and farmers                     Additional thanks goes to
                       will have to deal with the worsening conditions               every member of the Mata
                       and crop quality. Researchers are working on                  Montero family – thank
                       cross-breeding coffee species and varieties,                  you for being so
                       that are more resistant, but the resistance                   welcoming and kind.
                       must come with arabicas distinctive flavour                    Thanks also to the many
                       profile. Without this work, there is a large risk             workers, that I worked

                       that farmers will eventually need to switch to                with daily, for their
                       growing Robusta (or other crops entirely) out                 patience while I learnt on
                       of necessity. A no-Arabica future would                       the job. Many thanks also
                       mean a complete overhaul of the current                       to Eric, Stephan & Nicole
                       coffee industry.
                                                                                     at Coricafé for inviting me
                                                                                     to their office, touring me
                       Thank you                                                     around the dry mill, and

                        I wholeheartedly appreciate Roberto Mata and                 spending the day
                       Doris Montero’s exceptional hospitality,                      explaining everything
                       friendship, transfer of knowledge, and overall                coffee exportation.
                       good nature. This thanks extends to their

                       daughter Mónica, for being my introduction to                  Thank you to everyone at
                       Costa Rica and a brilliant tour guide.                        Cafeology Ltd, specifically
                                                                                     Bryan & Toni Unkles, for
                                                                                     organising the trip and
                                                                                     introducing me to

                                                                                      Finally, thanks to you, the
                                                                                     reader, without whom this
                                                                                     document would be
                                                                                     pointless. Pura Vida!          NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39

                         Cafeology Limited
                         Unit 4 Vantage Park 2
                         Coborn Avenue, Sheffield
                         South Yorkshire S9 1DA

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