Page 242 - MY STORY
P. 242
FIRST, and probably most important, of these, was the
challenge of moving creative technology, where concepts
or needs were beyond current state-of-the-art, and
converting those creations to a “doable” capability that
was expressed by actually making stuff that worked, or
would likely work if catapulted into a real system.
SECOND, was an unsatiated inquisitiveness that
pervaded my thinking process. The thoughts of “what if”
could be satisfied by doing the work myself, or ultimately
in my career, doing it through my staff. As part of this
thread was the need to move well out of my comfort zone
as a metallurgist, and explore the much broader world of
all materials and processes that crossed my path in search
of a “system application.”.
THIRD was typical engineering processes that sought to
solve problems. Taking a failure of anything from
investigating what happened, through the discovery of
“root cause”, to corrective action to inhibit that failure
cause forever in the future was another major force in my
FINALLY, the role of managing diverse, and incredibly
capable talent, was invigorating and at times very