Page 6 - Interactive Brochure
P. 6

Ideal teacher needed for the school


                                                                              An  ideal  teacher  for  North-

                                                                              cliff needs to be  knowledge-
                                                                              able  with  their  subject

                                                                              knowledge and have a good
                                                                              pedagogical knowledge. This

                                                                              means  that  this  teacher

                                                                              should be guided the curricu-
                                                                              lum but look beyond what is

                                                                              prescribed.  Through  adapt-
               ing and modifying the curriculum. To enable and equip learners with 21  century skills. Addi-
               tionally, evoke curiosity, imagination, initiative and entrepreneur skills, collaborative and cre-
               ative writing. Encourage learning through play and gives learners an opportunity for authentic


               When we clearly analyse the current curriculum, one can clearly deduce that it takes an objec-

               tive-oriented  stance.  In  fact,  Sahlberg  (2010)  contends  that  formal  education  has  a  dual
               controversial role in a sense that    it attempts to promote creativity while it simultaneously

               destroys  it.  Courville  (2011)
               also  argues  that  creativity  can

               only  be  noticed  when  learners
               are  not  subjected  to  inflexible

               standards  that  are  imposed  on

               learning     by     curriculum

               In  a  Northcliff  high  school

               context, an ideal teacher would
               lobby  the  incorporation  of

               creativity  and  artistry  in  an
               attempt  ensure  that  learners  are

               able to express themselves beyond what the curriculum prescribes.

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