Page 8 - Interactive Brochure
P. 8
Ideal teacher needed for the school
Diversity and inclusion
n ideal teacher for Northcliff should foster inclusion. Learners comes from a wide
spectrum of diversities. Teaching at school requires one be able to create an environ-
ment which will enable learners
to strive as individuals and as a team with
all the necessary support needed. There are
learners with autism and with giftedness.
Thus, this means a teacher should be able
afford learners equal opportunities.
The idea of inclusion has also been advo-
cated for by the South African School Acts
and the white paper six. The main purpose
of these initiatives is aimed at blurring the ‘social’ boundaries and notions of marginalization
and/or stigmatization. The rationale behind this movement was due to the fact that ‘traditional’
education labelled learners with special as people who are incapable of learning in a main-
stream schooling context. However, recent studies have revealed that the perception of ‘inabil-
ity’ does not fully exist when it comes to learning (Jaeger, 2013).
An ideal teacher uses adopts the Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences into the
way the teach and assess because they know and understand that learners have different ways
of expressing themselves. This will give all learners an opportunity to show their strengths.
Therefore, to be ideal in Northcliff high a teacher should be of the notion that all learners can
learn by not at the same time and in the same way.
You have a responsibility to make inclusion a daily thought, so we can get rid of the
word 'inclusion.'
Theodore melfi
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