Page 9 - International Marketing
P. 9


                                                 PRODUCT STRATEGY
                             Q.24.  Do you agree that “Product adoption is must” in present
                                    environment?                   [MBA(FT) 2007, 2004]
                                    State the difference between product standardization and
                                    What are the different product strategies adopted in the
                                    international market?                                167
                                        INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE

                             Q.25.  Discuss briefly the following stages involved in International
                                    Product Life Cycle framework for the initiating country:
                                    (i) Local Innovation
                                    (ii) Overseas Innovation
                                    (iii) Maturity
                                    (iv) Worldwide Imitation
                                    (v) Reversal
                                    Also provide suitable diagram of above stated concept.
                                    “International Product Life Cycle (I.P.L.C.) of a Product dif-
                                    fers from country to country.” Explain in brief. Discuss vari-
                                    ous phases of I.P.L.C.? Provide diagram.  [MBA-2011]
                                    Define “International Product Life Cycle” (IPLC) concept.
                                    Discuss various products related strategies in overseas
                                    market.                        [MBA(FT) 2009, 2004]  171
                                                  PRICING DECISIONS

                             Q.26.  Which  factors affect  the “Pricing Policy  Decisions”
                                    in overseas market? Prepare a list of these factors and de-
                                    scribe any five factors.                [MBA 2011]
                                    Write a short note on: Pricing Decisions for overseas mar-
                                    ket.                                [MBA(FT) 2008]   180

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