Page 150 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 150
not to the world? I say you that the world will weep, wail and gnash their teeth
and yet you will rejoice. You will be sad but your sadness will be changed into
gladness. When a woman is in travail she is depressed. Her day has arrived.
When she has given birth to a son she no longer remembers her troubles
because the joy that a male child is born into the world. So you also are
depressed because I have said were I am going cannot come now but I will see
you again and your heart will rejoice. In that day your joy no man will take away
from you. My own peace I give you. Peace I leave with you. Let not you heart be
troubled believe and have faith always.
End of the World
Tell us of the end and the signs of your coming. When will these issues happen?
What will be the signs of your second coming and of the end of the world? He
said to them, in those days there will be suffering such as has never been from
the beginning of the creation witch God made until the end and never will be
again. If the Lord God had not shortened those days no flesh would live but for
the sake of the chosen ones those days will be shortened.
Nation and Kingdom
Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom uprisings,
revolutions, rumors of war and then war. There will be great earthquakes in
different places, famines and plagues. There will be alarming sights and great
signs will appear from heaven. The winters will be severe. These issues are just
the beginning of travail. Fear of what is to arrive, unrest on earth and upheaval
that takes the life out of men. The powers of the universe will be shaken. Then
will be great suffering such as has never happened from the beginning of the
world until now and never will be again. Because of the growth of iniquity, the
love of many will become cold.
Coming in the Clouds
Then the signs of the Son of man will appear in the sky. He will send his angels
with a large trumpet and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds
from the utmost part of the earth to the utmost part of heaven. My gospel of the
kingdom of God shall be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all the
nations. When these issues begin to happen, have courage lift up your heads
because your salvation is at hand. This generation of the earth will atone and
believe. The chosen will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with