Page 149 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 149

than these issues that I have done you shall do because I am going to my
                   Father. Believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me. Whatever you
                   ask in my name I will do it for you so that the Father may be glorified through his
                   son. Remember the word which I said to you that no student is greater than his
                   Teacher. If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you. If they kept my
                   word they will also keep yours. I have spoken these things to you so that you
                   may not stumble.  They will put you out of their synagogues and the hour will
                   come that whoever kills you will think that he has offered an offering to God.
                   These issues they will do because they have not known my Father or me. If I had
                   not come and spoken to them they would be without sin. Now they have no
                   excuse for their sins. They will do all these issues to you because they do not
                   know him who sent me nor do they believe that I am he. The hour is coming and
                   it has now come when you will be sent out beginning in Jerusalem. He who does
                   not know the Father does not know me. The work which our Father has given to
                   me to do I have finished it.

                                                  Comforter Holy Spirit

                   I will ask of my Father and he will give you the Comforter to be with you forever.
                   The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom my Father will send in my name. He will
                   teach you everything and remind you of everything which I have told you. If I do
                   not go away the Comforter will not come to you. I will send him to you. When he
                   has come he will rebuke the world; concerning sin; concerning righteousness and
                   concerning judgment. Concerning sin, they do not believe in me. Concerning
                   righteousness, I go to my Father and you will not see me again. Concerning
                   judgment, the leader of this world has been judged.  Again, I have many other
                   issues to tell you but you cannot grasp them now.  The Comforter will be sent
                   and you will be clothed with power from on high. You will testify with power
                   because you have been with me from the beginning. These issues I have said to
                   you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. You
                   have courage I have conquered the world. If the world hates you know well that it
                   has hated me before you. If you were of the world the world would loves it own.
                   You are not of the world. I have chosen you out of the world. This is why the
                   world hates you.

                                                        The World

                   I have spoken these things to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy
                   may be full. You did not choose me. I have chosen you and I have appointed you
                   that you also should go and produce fruit and that your fruit might remain. In that
                   day you will know that I am with my Father and you are with me and I am with
                   you. Judas said to him my Lord why is it that you will reveal yourself to us and
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