Page 145 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 145

met with Jesus. The other apostils arrived later toward evening and they entered
                   the house.

                                                 The Mountain in Galilee

                   Then the apostles went to a city to a house on a mountain. On the way they were
                   discussing these things that had happened. As they entered the house Jesus
                   stood up and said to them, peace be with you it is I; do not be afraid. They were
                   confused and frightened.  Peter, Andrew, James and John were already in the
                   house when Jesus stood up.  They thought they saw a spirit a delusion. Jesus
                   then said to them why do you tremble and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
                   Look at my hands and my feet that it is I feel me and understand. A spirit has no
                   flesh and bones as you see I have.  When he said these things he showed them
                   his hand and his feet as some of them still did not believe because they were
                   bewildered. He said to them have you anything to eat? They gave him a portion
                   of broiled fish and some honey comb. He took them and ate before their eyes.
                   They rejoiced and fell to the ground and worshiped him. Thomas one of the
                   twelve who is called the twin was not with them when Jesus appeared to them.
                   Then Jesus said to them again peace be to you just as my father has sent me, so
                   I send you. When he had said these issues he gave them courage and then
                   upbraided them for their little faith and dullness of their hearts because they had
                   not believed those who had first saw him risen? I spoke to you when I was with
                   you that everything must be fulfilled written in the Law of Moses; the prophets
                   and the psalms concerning me. Then he opened their mind to understand the
                   scriptures.  He said to them it is written and it was right that Christ should suffer
                   and rise from the dead on the third day.
                   From that day until Pentecost they reunited with his followers and began
                   speaking to them that Jesus had raised. They had seen and he spoke with them.
                   They rejoice with them. When some of the apostles found Thomas they said to
                   him we have seen our Lord. He said to them unless I see in his hands the place
                   of the nails holes and put my fingers in them and put my hand into his side I will
                   not believe.

                                                     Tomas Believes

                   Eight days later the apostles gathered together in Galilee. Tomas was with them
                   as they entered the house and the doors were locked. Peter, James and John
                   were already there with Jesus. Jesus stood up in the midst of them and said to
                   them peace be with you. Then he said to Thomas bring your finger and put it in
                   nail the hole of my hand and then place your hand on my side. Do not be an
                   unbeliever but believe. Thomas answered and said to him oh my Lord and my
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