Page 147 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 147

than these? He said to him yes, my Lord you know that I love you. Jesus said to
                   him feed my male lambs. He said to him again the second time Peter do you love
                   me? He said to him yes, my Lord you know that I love you. Jesus said to him
                   feed my sheep. He said to him again the third time Peter do you love me? It
                   grieved Peter because he said to him the third time, do you love me? So he said
                   to him my Lord you understand well everything. You know that I love you. Jesus
                   said to him feed my ewes.  I say to you Peter. When you were young you used to
                   tie up your girdle yourself and walk wherever you pleased. When you become old
                   you will stretch out your hands and another will tie up for you your girdle and take
                   you where you do not wish. After he said these issues he said to him follow me.
                   They all ate and were filled and as they walked. Peter turned around and saw the
                   apostle whom Jesus loved following. Peter said to Jesus my Lord what about
                   him. Jesus said to him if I wish him to remain until I come what difference does
                   that make to you? You follow me. This word then went out among the brethren
                   that apostle would not die. What Jesus said was not that he would not die but if I
                   wish that he should remain until I come back what difference does that make to
                   you? Jesus said to them go and remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are
                   clothed with power from on high. Many miracle and wonders were performed by
                   him during the remaining days before his ascension on Mount of Olives. This is
                   the apostle who testified concerning all of these issues. Who also wrote of them?
                   We now that his testimony is true.

                                                   You will Come Later

                   I came forth from the Father and I came into the world. I am leaving the world
                   and I am going to the Father. My sons I am with you yet a little while longer. Now
                   I tell you where I go you cannot come. Peter said to him our Lord where are you
                   going? Jesus answered and said to him where I go you cannot follow me now but
                   you will follow later. What then if you should see the Son of man ascending to the
                   place where he was before. You now know where I am going and you know the
                   Way? The Spirit of truth who the world cannot receive it has not seen him and
                   does not know him. You know him and it is he who speaks to you. The light is
                   with you for a little while longer walk while you have the light.

                   Thomas said to him our Lord we do not know where you are going. How can we
                   know the Way?  Jesus said to him I am the way; the truth and the light. No man
                   comes to my Father except by me. The Father himself loves you because you
                   have loved me. You have believed that I came forth from the Father. Soon I will
                   be going to him who sent me because I told you these things sorrow has come
                   and filled your hearts. I tell you the truth it is better for that I go away. I am going
                   to my Father. My Father is greater than I. I have told you before it happen so that
                   when it does happen you will believe.
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