Page 144 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 144
The Guards Bribed
Now the High Priest had gathered the whole council and Elders of the Jews and
they took counsel; they gave money, not a small sum, to the guards, telling them,
say that his supporters came by nigh and stole him while we slept. If this should
be heard by the governor, we will appeal to him, and declare that you are
blameless. So they took the money, and did as they were instructed; these words
went out among the Jews, until this day.
On the Road to Emmaus
Two of them were going on that day to a village called Emmaus about six miles
from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other concerning all these issues
that had happened. Jesus came and overtook them and walked with them. He
said to them what are these words that you are discussing with each other as
you walk and are sad? One of them named Cleo said are you alone a stranger
from Jerusalem that you do not know what has happened in it in these days? He
said to them what has happened? They said to him Jesus, a man who was a
prophet mighty in word and deed before God and before all the people. The high
priests and Elders delivered him up to the judgment of death and they crucified
him. We were hoping that he was the one. It is three days since all these things
happened. Some of our women also amazed us for they went early to the tomb
when his body was not found they came and told Peter. One of them went back
and saw angels there and she came again to us and said that he is alive. Some
of our men also went to the tomb and they found it as the women had said but
they did not see him. Then Jesus said to them oh dull-minded and heavy hearted
slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not Christ have to suffer
all these things in order to enter into his glory? He began from Moses and from
all the prophets and interpreted to them from all the scriptures concerning him.
They drew near to the village to which they were going and he made them think
that he was going to a far place. Straightway their eyes were opened and they
recognized him. He said return to your brothers tell them what you have seen
and heard. They said one to another were not our minds dull within us when he
spoke with us on the road and interpreted the scriptures to us? They straightway
returned to Jerusalem. They found the eleven gathered together and those who
were with them.
Saying our Lord has risen. They said to them he has appeared to Peter and John
and we are to see him in Galilee. The two men reported those issues that
happened on the road.
Peter, Andrew, James and John came to the Sea of Galilee at Tiberius. They
traveled by boat to the crossing place and to a house on a mountain there they