Page 139 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 139
Pilot sent to the prison for Barbbes. The officers bound him and brought him
before Pilot at the Judgment seat. While they were all gathered together Pilate
said to them who do you want me to release to you Barbbes who is a murder or
Jesus who is called Christ? They said to him Barbbes.
Pilot said to them what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ. They all said let
him be crucified. Pilot said what evil has he done.
The High Priests influence prevailed, saying release to us Barbbes and destroy
Jesus. Again Pilot spoke desiring to release Jesus but they cried out crucify him
crucify him; crucify him and he said to them the third time what evil has he done.
Now when Pilot saw that he was gaining nothing but instead confusion was
increasing. He took water and washed his hands before the people and said I am
innocent of the blood of this righteous man. Do as you please. All those Jews
and High Priests then answered and said let his blood be on us and on our
Then Pilot commanded to have their request granted. He released to them
Barbbes who because of sedition and murder was cast into prison and delivered
to them Jesus to their will.
They took hold of Jesus and lead him out to be crucified. They gave him a cross
to carry and on the way they laid hold of Peter who was coming from the field.
They compelled Peter to help carry the cross, placing the end of the cross on him
to help carry it with Jesus. They carried the cross together to the place which is
called the Golgotha.
Crucifixion and the Cross
Many people followed him the women were mourning and wailing over him.
Jesus turned to them and said oh daughters of Jerusalem do not weep over me.
Weep over yourselves and over your own children. The days are coming in which
they will say blessed are the barren and those that never gave birth nor the
breast that never gave suck. The day will come and you will say to the mountains
and hill fall on us. This will happen to the tree that has produced as well as the
barren tree. Two other malefactors were carrying their cross along with Jesus to
be put to death.
When they arrived at the place called the Skull they crucified him there with the
other two one on his right and the other on his left. Pilate also wrote on a stone
tablet and had it placed on the cross which said The King of Jews in Aramaic,
Greek and in Roman. A great many Jews read this and complained to the High
Priests standing near the place of crucifixion. They went to Pilot and said the