Page 137 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 137

Pilate then entered into the praetorium and said to Jesus do you not hear how
                   much they testify against you? He did not answer him not even a word because
                   of this Pilot marveled greatly. Then Pilot said are you the king of the Jews? Jesus
                   said to him do you say this of yourself or have others told it you concerning me?
                   Pilot said to him why, am I a Jew. Jesus said to him my kingdom is not of this
                   world if my kingdom were of this world my servants would have fought so that I
                   should not be delivered to the Jews. My kingdom is not from here. Pilot said to
                   him you are a king? Jesus said to him you say that I am a king for this I was born
                   and for this very issue I came to the world that I may bear witness concerning the
                   truth. Whoever is of the truth will hear my voice. Pilot said to him what is this
                   truth? After he said this he went out to the whole council of the Jewish people
                   and said I find no cause against him.
                   The Jews said to him we have a law and according to our law he is guilty of
                   death. He made himself the Son of God and forbid paying the head tax to
                   Caesar. When Pilot heard this saying he was the more afraid. He entered into the
                   praetorium and said to Jesus where do you come from? Jesus gave him no
                   answer Pilot said to him will you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have
                   authority to release you? Jesus said to him you would have no authority
                   whatever over me if it had not been given to you from above. This reason the sin
                   of him who delivered me to you is greater than yours because of this saying Pilot
                   wanted to release him. Again Pilot went out to the multitude and said I am unable
                   to find even one cause against him.

                   They shouted and said he has stirred up our people teaching throughout Judea
                   and beginning from Galilee even to today. When Pilot heard these words and the
                   name Galilee he brought Jesus outside. He asked if the man was a Galilean.
                   When he knew that he was under the Jurisdiction of Herod he sent him with the
                   whole council to Herod.

                                                       Before Herod

                   Herod was in Jerusalem in those days. When Herod saw Jesus he was
                   exceedingly glad because he had wanted to see him for a long time. That day
                   Herod and Pilot became friends with each other for there was a long standing
                   enmity between them. Herod had heard many things concerning him and he
                   hoped to see some miracle by him.  The High Priests and the council stood
                   before Herod and accused Jesus bitterly. Herod asked Jesus many words but
                   Jesus gave him no answer. The soldiers of Herod were order to scourge him.
                   The soldiers took him to the inner court yard and the company of soldiers
                   gathered around him and removed his close and scourged him. They had made
                   a crown of thorns and placed it on his head and put on him a scarlet colored
                   robe. Then they took a reed and stuck him on his head and placed the reed in his
                   right hand. They began mocking him and saying hail king of the Jews. They then
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