Page 132 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 132
to Peter, Peter said to him are you my Lord going to wash my feet? Jesus said to
him what I am doing you will not understand now but later you will know. Peter
said to him you will never wash my feet. Jesus said to him if I do not wash you
will have no part with me. Peter said to him my Lord, wash not only my feet but
also my hands and my head. Jesus said to him he who is already bathed does
not need to be washed again. Except his feet only he is already clean.
When he had washed their feet he put on his robe and sat down. He said to them
do you know what I have done to you? You call be Lord and Teacher and what
you say is true. I am. Then since I am your Lord and Teacher have washed your
feet how much more should you wash one another’s feet. This that I have done is
an example so that what I have done you should also do one to another.
Sell and Buy a Sword
The Lord said to Peter. Peter! The adversary desires to have you. That he may
sift you as wheat. I have prayed for you that your faith fail not. When thou art
converted strengthen your brothers. He said unto them when I sent you without
purse, scrip and shoes. Did you lack anything? They said nothing. Then he said
to them he that has a purse let him take it and likewise his scrip. He that hath no
sword let him sell his garments and buy one. I say unto you all that it is written,
he was reckoned among the transgressors must be accomplished in me. The
issues concerning me have an end. They said unto him Lord here are two
swords. He said unto them that is enough for now. When they had sung a hymn
they all arose and went the way to the Mount of Olives.
Mount of Olives
They passed over the brook Chadron and went up onto the Mount of Olives.
Jesus said to them all of you will be in pain because of me this night. As it is
written I will overcome the guardian and his troop will be discharged. Peter said
my Lord I am prepared for prison and dying with you. The apostles said the same
as Peter. Jesus said to Peter truly I say to you in this night before the cock crows
twice, you pass up you know me three times. Peter said if all men shall refuse
you I will not pass up that I know you even if I must die with you. I will never
cover up that I know you. All the apostles said likewise. I
say to you that this which I compose must be fulfilled in me; he will be accounted
among the wicked. All issues concerning me will be fulfilled. He said to Peter, our
adversary wants to suppress all of you as stumble. I have prayed for you that
your trust may not weaken even you Peter in time will atone. Sustain your
brethren. After I am resurrected, I will succeed before you in Galilee. He then