Page 135 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 135
As they gathered before Hanan he questioned Jesus concerning his disciples
and concerning his teaching. Jesus said to him I have spoken openly to the
people and taught daily in the temple. On the Sabbath I taught in the Synagogue
where all the Jews assembled. I have spoken nothing secretly. Why do you ask
me? Ask those who heard what I have spoken to them. They know everything
which I said. As he spoke these words one of the guards who stood by struck
Jesus on his cheek. He said to him is this how you answer the high priest? Jesus
answered saying to him if I have spoken any evil testify to the evil but if it is good
why you did strike me?
Now Peter was at a short distance from Jesus and the High Priests watching to
see what might happen to Jesus. A maidservant of the high priest looked at Peter
and came up to him and said you also were with Jesus the Galilean. He denied it
before them all saying women I do not know him and do not understand what you
are saying. He then got up and went out of the door and stood on the porch and
the cock crowed. After a little while Peter came back inside and was standing
and warming himself. One of the servants of the High priests a kinsman of his
whose ear Peter had cut off said to Peter did I not see you with him in the
garden. Peter looked at him and said man I do not know what you are saying.
Shortly thereafter those who stood by said to Peter, truly you are one of them for
you also are a Galilean even your speech is like theirs and that proves it. He
began to curse and to swear. While he was still speaking the cock crowed the
second time. Jesus turned and looked at looked at Peter. Peter remembered the
words of our Lord that which was said to him before the cock crows twice you will
deny that you know me three times. Peter went out from them all into the field
and wept.
The men who held Jesus mocked him and covered his head with a cloth and
smote him on his face saying Prophesy! Who has struck you? Many other things
they said blaspheming and speaking against him. As soon as it was daybreak
Hanan sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas the High Priest that year.
Caiaphas the High Priests
Now the high priests and the elders and scribes of the Jews and the whole
council were seeking witness against Jesus so that they might put him to death.
They could not find any. Then there came a great many false witnesses. At the
end two came forward and said this man said I can tear down the temple of God
and build it in three days. The elders and the high priests and the scribe gathered