Page 130 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 130
Parable Husbandman
Then he said to the people here another parable. He said there was a man who
was a householder. He planted a vineyard and fenced it all around. He dug in it a
wine press and built a tower in it. Then he leased it to laborers and went on a
journey for a long time. In due season he sent his servant when the fruit season
was at hand to the laborers who had least the vineyard that they might send
some of the fruits of his vineyard. The laborers beat him and sent him away
empty. He sent another servant and they wounded him and sent him away in
disgrace. Again he sent to them another servant and they stoned him killing him.
He sent many other servants but they beat some, wounding others treating them
shamefully and throwing them out of the vineyard empty. Others they killed. The
owner of the vineyard said what shall I do? I will send my beloved son to them
perhaps they will see him and might feel ashamed before my son? When the
laborers saw the son they said among themselves this is the Heir. Come, let us
kill him and the inheritance will be ours. So they seized him and took him out of
the vineyard and killed him. When the owner of the vineyard comes what will he
do to those laborers? His followers said to him he will destroy them savagely and
lease his vineyard to other laborers who will give him fruits in their season. When
the Pharisees and Jewish leaders hear this they said this will never happen.
Jesus looked at them and said what is written. Have you the never read in the
scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same became the
cornerstone. This was from the Lord and he is a marvel in our eyes. I say to you
that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to people who
bear fruits. Whoever falls on this stone will be broken and whoever it falls upon it
will destroy. After the High Priests and Jewish elders heard this and knew that he
spoke this parable against them. They wanted to arrest him. They were afraid of
the people because they regarded him as a prophet so they left him and went
away in anger.
Judah the Traitor
Then Judah of Iscariot went to the high priests. He said to them what are you
willing to give me if I deliver him to you? They promised him thirty pieces of
silver. From that time on he sought an opportunity to betray him
Passover Preparation
On the first day of unleavened bread the disciples came up to Jesus and said to
him where do you wish that we may prepare the Passover for you to eat? Jesus
sent Peter and John and said to them go and prepare the Passover for us to eat.