Page 133 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 133

said to his apostles come with me to Gethsemane. His followers remained
                   behind at the Mount of Olives.


                   He went from the Mount of Olive to a local addressed known as Gethsemane in
                   which there was a garden. He said to his apostles’ sit down here while I go to
                   pray. He took with him Peter, Andrew, James, and John and became sorrowful.
                   He said to them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even to death. Wait here watch
                   and pray. He went forward from them about a stone toss and kneeled down and
                   prayed. Father all issues are possible to you. Let this hour pass if you are willing
                   and remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will be done but your will be
                   done. He rose up from prayer and came to Peter, James and John who were
                   asleep. Peter why sleep! Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that
                   you do not enter into temptation. The spirit is ready and willing but the flesh is
                   weak. He went away the second time and kneeled down and prayed. Oh my
                   Father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it your will be done.
                   He arose and came to the apostils and spoke to them but they did not hear
                   because their eyes were heavy with sleep. He left them and went and knelt down
                   and prayed the third time being in agony he prayed more earnestly. There came
                   Andrew to him and ministered and strengthened him. He rose up and came to
                   the apostles and said to them sleep on now and take your rest. The hour is at
                   hand the Son of man will be delivered into hands of sinners. After a short time he
                   awoke and spoke to all the apostles rise let us go. He that is to betray me is at

                                                     Arrest of Jesus

                   While he was still speaking a multitude came. He who is called Judah one the
                   twelve who had betrayed him was coming before them. Now Judas also knew of
                   that place because Jesus and his followers frequently gathered there. Judas
                   accompanied by a company of soldiers carrying swords. Synagogue guards
                   carrying staves along with the High Priests and Elders of the Jewish people. The
                   High Priest Caiaphas sent them along with Judas.
                   Judas gave them a sign. He said to them all he who I kiss is the one seize him
                   carefully! And take him away.

                   Jesus knowing everything that was to happen, went out and said to them who do
                   you want? They said to him Jesus the Nazarene of Galilee. Jesus said to them I
                   am he. When he said this they drew back and fell to the ground.  Jesus again
                   asked them who you want. They said Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus said to them, I
                   have told you that I am he. If then you want me let these men go away that the
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