Page 136 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 136
and brought Jesus bound up to the council chamber of the High Priests and they
all assembled before Caiaphas.
Many testified against him but their testimony was not worthy. The two false
witnesses stood up against him and said we heard him say I will tear down this
temple which is made with hands and in three days I will build another which is
not made with hands. Even their testimony was not worthy.
Then Caiaphas stood up in the midst and said to Jesus you are not answering
anything what is it that these men testify against you? Jesus was silent and made
no answer. Caiaphas asked him are you the Christ. Jesus was silent. The High
priests said to him if you are the Christ tell us. Jesus said to them if I tell you, you
will not release me. Again Caiaphas asked him are you the Christ the Son of the
blessed One? Jesus was silent. Then the high priest said to him I adjure you by
the living God tell us if you are the Christ the Son of God. Jesus said to him you
say that but I say to you the Son of man will set at the right hand of the power of
God and come upon the clouds of the sky. Then the High Priest Caiaphas tore
his robe and said he is blaspheming why we need witness. You all have heard
blasphemy from his mouth. What else do you want? They all answered and said
he is guilty of death. Then some of the men began to spit and other joined them.
They blasphemed against him and many other things before taking him to Pilate.
Jesus before Pilate
Straightway in the morning the whole council of the High Priests with the Elders
and scribes had already knew how they would destroy Jesus. The Synagogue
guards bound him and the whole company rose up and brought him from
Caiaphas to the practorium and delivered him to Pilate the Governor. In the
presence of Pilot Jesus stood between his officers bound. The officers then
released him from the ropes as he stood before Pilate.
The high priests, elders and scribes did not enter into the praetorium so that they
may not be defiled before they ate the Passover.
The Governor who had been informed by the High Priest that Jesus was an evil
doer. Pilate said to him your own people and the High Priest have delivered you
to me? What have you done? Jesus did not answer. Pilot went outside where the
whole council waited and said to them what accusations do you have against this
man? The High Priests said if he were not an evil doer we would not have
delivered him up also to you. We found this man misleading our people and
saying concerning himself that he is a king the Christ. Then said Pilot to them
takes him yourselves and judge him according to your own law. The Jews said to
him we have no power to kill a man. So that the words of which Jesus had
spoken might be fulfilled when he signified by what kind of death he was to die.