Page 131 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 131

They said to him where do you wish us to prepare? He said to them go to the city
                   of Jerusalem. When you enter the city you will see a certain man carry a water
                   skin full of water follow him.  Wherever he enters say to the owner of the house
                   my time has come where is the guest chamber that I may observe the Passover
                   with my disciples. He will show you an upper room large furnished and prepared
                   there make ready.  Peter and John went out and came to the city and they found
                   just as he said they would. So they made ready.

                                                      The Passover

                   When the time came that evening Jesus came with his twelve apostles and
                   followers and they gathered in the upper room. While they were reclining he said
                   to them I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. While they
                   were eating Jesus took the bread and gave thanks and blessed it. Then he broke
                   it and gave to the apostles to distribute among the followers. He said take and
                   eat. This is my body which is given for your sake this do in remembrance of me.
                   Then he took the cup and gave thanks and blessed it and gave to them and said
                   this is the cup of the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you and for the
                   sake of many for the remission of sins. Drink of it all of you and they all drank of
                   it. He then said I say to you. I will not drink again the fruit of the vine until the day
                   when I drink it new with you in the Kingdom of God.
                   After saying these thing while they were eating he was disturbed in spirit and
                   testified saying, truly, I say to you one of you who eats with me he has betrayed
                   me. They began to feel very sad and said to him one by one why? They looked
                   at each other because they did not know concerning who he spoke. They were
                   troubled and began to enquire among themselves which one of them has done
                   this act. Jesus said the hand of him who has betrayed me is on the table. Then
                   Judas the traitor said Master perhaps it is I? Jesus said to him you say that it is I?
                   Now there was one of his disciples who were leaning on his bosom the one
                   whom Jesus loved. Peter winked at him to ask him of who he spoke. So that
                   apostle leaned himself on the breast of Jesus and said to him my Lord who is
                   he? Jesus answered and said the one who I dip bread and give to him. So Jesus
                   dipped the bread and gave it to Judas of Iscariot. Jesus said to him what you are
                   going to do, do it soon. Judas received the bread and went outside straightway.
                   He went to the High Priests. It was night when he went out.
                   Then Jesus said the Son of man will go as it is written of him but woe to the man
                   by whose hand the Son of man is betrayed. It would have been far better for that
                   man never to have been born. Jesus knew that the Father had given everything
                   into his hand and that he came from God and was going to God. Rose up from
                   supper and laid aside his robe; he took a cloth and tied it around his loins. Then
                   he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of each of his apostles
                   and to wipe them with the cloth which was tied around his loins. When he came
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