Page 134 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 134

word which he said might be fulfilled. Those whom you have given me I have lost
                   not even one.
                   When those who were with Jesus saw what was happening said to him our Lord
                   shall we smite them with swords? Straightway Judas the traitor drew near to
                   Jesus and said peace master and teacher then he kissed him. This was the sign
                   he had given them those who came with him from the High Priest Caiaphas.
                   Jesus said to Judah do you betray the Son of man with a kiss? Is it for these that
                   you are hear my friend? Then they came near to arrest him. As the enemy laid
                   hands on Jesus, Peter drew his sword and struck the high priests servant and cut
                   off his right ear. The servants name was Maleck.  Jesus spoke out it is enough
                   for the present. Then Jesus said to Peter return the sword to its place. Those
                   who take swords will die by swords. He then touched the ear of him who was
                   wounded and heal it.

                   At the very moment Jesus said to those who were with him. I could ask of the
                   Father and he will now raise up for me more than twelve legions of angels? Shall
                   I not drink the cup which my Father has given me? Then Jesus said to the
                   company of soldier the Synagogue guards, elders and High priests. Have you
                   come out against me like a bandit with swords and staves to arrest me? I sat with
                   you every day teaching in the temple you did not even point your hands at me.
                   This has happened so that the scripture of the prophets might be fulfilled. This is
                   your time and the power of darkness. Then the captain of the company of
                   soldiers said arrest him along with the guards of the Synagogue seized Jesus.
                   Then all the apostles left him. They seized Jesus and bound him and took him to
                   Hanan a High Priest who was the Father in law of Caiaphas.

                                                      First to Hanan

                   Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Hanan the father-in-Law of Caiaphas
                   first. Peter and another apostle followed at a distance another fallowed close
                   behind and some of the arresting multitude tried to seize him by his garments but
                   he left his garments and fled naked.  As the multitude enter through the court
                   yard door of the High Priests. Peter and the other disciple came up to the door.
                   One of the high priests knew the apostle who was with Peter.  He was allowed to
                   enter into the courtyard. Jesus stood before Hanan with the multitude. Peter
                   stood outside near the door by the guards of the Synagogue.
                   Then the other apostle whom the high priest knew went out and told the portress
                   and she brought in Peter.

                   The guards and servant gathered in the midst of the courtyard and kindled a fire
                   because it was cold and sat around it. Peter came near and sat with them to
                   keep warm.
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