Page 129 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 129

You accept flattery one from another but the approval from God you do not want?
                   I do not invite approval from men. The Jews argued one with another saying how
                   can this man give us his body to eat?
                   Jesus then said the living Father directed me and I am living because of the
                   Father. Whoever absorbs my words will also live because of me. Truly I say to
                   you unless you absorb the words of the Son of man and assimilate his blood you
                   have no life in yourselves. He, who eats of my body and drinks of my blood, has
                   eternal life and I will rise him up. My body is the nourishment and my blood is the
                   drink. He, who absorbs my words and incorporates them into his mind, he will
                   abide with me and I with him.
                   Many of the Jews who heard him said these are hard words who can listen to
                   him? Because of this saying a great many Jews turned away and did not walk
                   with him. Jesus knew that his followers were murmuring about this. He said to
                   them does this cause you to stumble? There are some of you who do not
                   believe. He looked at the twelve apostles and said do you also want to go away?
                   Peter answered my Lord give us this bread to eat. To whom shall we go? You
                   have the words of eternal life. We have believed and acknowledge that you are
                   the Son of the living God. Jesus said to Peter your name was Simon and I have
                   called you Peter the stone and upon this truth I have built my Temple. He looked
                   at all twelve Apostles and said to them all. The gate of heaven will not close on
                   you. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you lose on
                   earth will be loosed in heaven.  I choose you the twelve. One of you is an
                   adversary? He said it concerning Judas of Iscariot. He was the one of the twelve
                   who was going to betray him.

                                                Who Gave You Authority

                   They came again to Jerusalem and while he was walking in the Synagogue. The
                   high priests and the scribes and the elders came to him. They said to him tell us
                   by what authority you do these things and who gave you this authority? Jesus
                   answered saying to them I will also ask you a question and you tell me the
                   answer. Then I will tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of
                   John was it from heaven or from men? Tell me. They reasoned among
                   themselves and said if we should say to him from heaven. He will say to us why
                   then did you not believe him? If we should say from men all the people will stone
                   us they regard John as a prophet. They said to Jesus we do not know. Jesus
                   said to them I will not tell you by what authority I do these things.
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