Page 128 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 128

said to him I have come for the judgment of this world. Those who cannot see will
                   see. Those who see may become blind. When some of the Pharisees who were
                   with him heard these words they said to him what! Are we also blind? Jesus said
                   to them if you were blind you would have no sin but now you say we see
                   because of this your sin remains. The high priests and the scribes with the elders
                   rose up against him.


                   The Jews slandered Jesus and wanted to kill him because he was doing these
                   issues on the Sabbath. Jesus said to them my Father exploits even until now so I
                   also exploit and for this the Jews wanted the more to destroy him not only
                   because he was healing on the Sabbath. He said concerning God that he is his
                   Father and was making himself equal with God.

                   Jesus said the Father who directed me has attested concerning me. You will not
                   listen to his Word and his Word does not tolerate you because you have not
                   considered him who the Father has directed. Examine the scriptures in which you
                   believe that you have eternal life and they attest concerning me. You will not
                   come to me that you might have life everlasting. I know you well that the love of
                   God in not in your heart. Do you think that I will reprimand you before the Father?
                   There is one who will reprimand you even Moses in who you trust. If you had
                   trusted Moses you would also have believed in me. Moses wrote concerning me
                   if you do not trust his writing. Then you can believe my Word?
                   Moses set before you the Law. Eventually not one of you obeyed the Law. How
                   come you need to obliterate me? The Jews replied you are disturbed who wants
                   to obliterate you? I have carried out one exploit and all of you wonder. Moses
                   gave you the rite of circumcising. This did not come from Moses but it was a
                   custom of your founding father. You circumcise a man on the Sabbath so that the
                   rite of circumcising is not broken. How come you grumble at me when I healed a
                   blind man on the Sabbath? How much more important is a man than the
                   Sabbath. Do not judge unfairly. Judge fairly.
                   They said to him what wonder do you carry out that we may consider and believe
                   in you. Moses gave our fathers manna from heaven to eat in the wilderness and
                   they ate. Jesus said it was not Moses who gave them bread from heaven to eat
                   but my Father.
                   Your forefather ate manna in the wilderness and yet they died.  I am the bread of
                   life which descended from heaven that a man may absorb of and not die. He who
                   absorbs my words shall have life everlasting. Now the Jews grumbled against
                   him for he said I am the bread of life which descended from heaven. They said is
                   this not Jesus the son of Joseph and Marry his mother who we acknowledge?
                   How can he say I have descended from heaven?
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