Page 123 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 123
Jesus Wept Over Jerusalem
When he drew near the descent of the mount of the Home of Olives and looked
out and saw the city of Jerusalem. He said Jerusalem murderess of the prophets
scourged in the synagogues and stoner of those who were sent to you. How
often I spoke to correct you and your children but you would not listen to my
voice. Because of all the blood of the righteous shed on the ground from Abel the
righteous to John the Baptist son of Zacharias may be avenged on this sinful and
evil generation. I am sending you my apostils, prophet and wise followers. Some
you will kill and crucify; some you will scourge in your synagogues and pursue
them from city to city. Woe unto you Jerusalem how often I wanted to gather
together you and your children like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but
you would not heed my voice. Your kingdom will be left to you desolate. If you
had only known those who are concerned in your peace even in this your day but
now they are hidden from your eyes. The days will come to you when your
enemies will surround you and oppress from every place and will over throw you.
They will not leave in you a stone upon a stone because you did not know the
time when you were to be visited. The apostils helped him off the colt and he
entered the temple and taught. Peter, Andrew, James and John along with the
apostles and multitude of the follower gathered around to hear him.
First Commandment
Jesus then lifted up his voice as he taught in the temple saying you know me and
you know where I come. I have not come of my own accord; he who sent me is
true. I know him because I am from Him he sent me. No man can see the Father
except he who is from God he can see the Father. He who has come from above
is above all. No man has ascended to heaven except him who came down from
heaven even the Son of Man who is in heaven. I came down from heaven not to
seek my own will but the will of him who sent me. This is the will of my Father.
Whoever sees the Son and believes in him shall have life everlasting. He who
wills to do his will can understand if my teaching is from God or if I am just
speaking of my own accord. My teaching is not my own but his who sent me. The
Son can do nothing of his own accord, except what he sees the Father doing.
The issue which the Father does the same the Son does like him. He shows him
everything that he does and he will show him greater works so that you may
He who God has sent speaks the words of God. The words that I speak to you
are spirit and life. He who speaks of his own accord seeks glory for himself but
he who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true and there is no deception in
his heart. I testify of what I have seen and heard. He who accepts my testimony
has set his seal that God is true. Everyone who my Father has given me shall