Page 120 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 120
Part III
Daily in the Temple
Then the Pharisees went away and took council with the high priests how to trap
him by a word. So they sent to him their disciples together with some men of the
scribes and Herodians from Jerusalem. He entered his temple daily and taught
about the kingdom of God as it was accustomed. On the Sabbath he taught in
the Synagogues.
Head Tax
While he spoke a Herodians came forward and asked him Teacher we know that
you are true and teach the way of God justly. You do not favor any man. You are
impartial and do not discriminate between me. What do you think is it lawful to
pay head tax to Caesar or not. Shall we give or shall we not give? The Pharisees
and scribes from Jerusalem gather themselves and moved toward him to hear
his answer and trap him by a word. Jesus knew their evil scheme and said why
you tempt me oh hypocrites? Bring me the head-tax penny that I may see it and
they brought to him a penny. Jesus said to them whose is this image and
inscription? They said Caesar’s. He said to them give to Caesar what is Caesar’s
and to God what is God’s. When they heard it they were amazed and went away.
Wife at the Resurrection
Then some of the Sadducees pressed forward who say there is no resurrection
of the dead. Then one of them said to him Teacher Moses wrote to us that if a
man’s brother die and leave a wife and leave no children. His brother should take
his wife and rise up offspring for his brother. Now there were with us seven
brothers. The first one took a wife and died and left no offspring. He left his wife
to his brother. The second brother married her and he died. He also left no
offspring. Likewise the third brother up to the seventh brother so all seven of
them married her and left no offspring. After them all the women also died.
Therefore at the resurrection to which of these seven will she be a wife? They all
married her. Jesus answered and said to them you err. You do not understand
the scriptures or the power of God. The resurrection when they raise from the
dead they neither marry women nor are women given to men in marriage. They
are like the angels of God in heaven. Concerning the resurrection and the rising
of the dead have you not read in the book of Moses. How God said to him I am