Page 115 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 115

Parable Sheep from Goats

                   The days are coming when the Son of man will rise up in his glory and all his holy
                   angels with him. Then he will sit upon the throne of his glory. All nations will
                   gather before him. His angels will separate them one from another just as a
                   shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep at his right
                   and the goats at his left. Then the King will say to those at his right come you
                   blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from
                   the foundation of the world. I was hungry and you gave me nourishment. I was
                   thirsty and you gave me water to ingest. I was a stranger and you took me in. I
                   was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison
                   and you came to me. Then the righteous will say to him our Lord when did we
                   see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and gave you water to ingest? When did
                   we see you a stranger and took you in? Or you were naked and clothed you?
                   When did we see you sick or in the prison and came to you? The King will
                   answer inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these brethren you
                   did it to me.

                   Then he will also say to his angels gather those at my left cast them out you
                   cursed to the everlasting fire prepared for the adversary and his angels. I was
                   hungry and you did not give me nourishment. I was thirsty and you did not give
                   me water to ingest. I was a stranger and you did not take me in. I was naked and
                   you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not visit me. Then
                   they will say our Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or
                   naked or sick or in the prison and did not minister to you? Then he will answer
                   and say to them inasmuch as you did not do it to one of these little ones you also
                   did not do it to me. My angels shall cast them out into everlasting torment. The
                   righteous shall enter the gate of heaven.


                   After the sixth day Jesus ascended with Peter, James and his brother John up
                   into a high mountain alone to pray. While they prayed James and John’s eyes
                   became heavy with sleep. Peter saw the appearance of Jesus changing and
                   shone like the sun. His clothes became white and dazzling light in such a manner
                   that men on earth cannot make as white. He was transfigured before them.
                   There appeared in glory two men Moses and Elijah they began speaking
                   concerning his departure which was to end at Jerusalem. When those who fell
                   asleep awoke and saw his glory and the two men. Peter said teacher it is better
                   for us to remain here and if you wish let us make three shelters, one for you, one
                   for Moses, and one for Elijah. When he had said this, there came a cloud and
                   over shadowed them and Moses and Elijah began to leave. They entered into the
                   cloud. Then a voice was heard which came from the cloud saying this is my
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