Page 126 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 126

Interred the Synagogue at Jerusalem

                   When he entered Jerusalem the whole city was stirred up. They were saying who
                   is this man? The people were saying this is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in
                   Galilee. Jesus entered into the Synagogue at Jerusalem with his followers when
                   he saw everything being done in the Synagogue he began to cast out those who
                   were buying and selling. His followers assisted him. They overturned the trays of
                   the money changers and the stands of those who sold doves. He would not allow
                   any man to bring goods into the Synagogue. He taught them saying, is it not
                   written my house shall be called the house of prayer for all people? You have
                   made it a cave for Pirates. Many children and boys were crying and saying
                   Hosanna, Hosanna, and Hosanna to the Son of David. When the high priests
                   heard this they were displeased and they said to him hear what they are saying?
                   Jesus said to them yes; have you never read from the mouth of little children and
                   boys I have made praise.  The High priests the elders and the scribes sought
                   how to do away with him. His followers surrounded him and all the people hung
                   around him to hear him. When evening came Jesus and his followers went
                   outside the city as they came to Bethany. Jesus and the 12 apostles came to the
                   lodging place and lodged there for the night.

                                                    Fig Tree Withered

                   In the morning on the road to Jerusalem outside the city of Bethany as they were
                   passing they saw the fig tree withered. Peter remembered and said to Jesus the
                   fig tree which you cursed has withered from its roots. The apostles and followers
                   who had gathered together with them on the road saw the withered fig tree and
                   were amazed. Some of them said how is it that the fig tree has withered so
                   soon? Jesus taught daily in the temple. As they gathered around he answered
                   and said to them if you have faith in God and do not doubt. You will perform
                   deeds not only like this of the fig tree. I say to all of you if you have faith and
                   doubt not your heart. Say to this mountain remove and descend into the sea
                   believe that what you says will be done. Everything that you ask in pray believes
                   and you will receive. They then left from there and came to the Baptismal Pool of

                                           Blind Man Healed on the Sabbath

                   As Jesus passed by he saw a man who was blind from his mother’s womb. His
                   followers asked him who transgressed this man or his parents that he was born
                   blind. Jesus said to them neither him nor his parents sinned but that the works of
                   God might be seen in him. I must do the works of him who sent me while it is day
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