Page 148 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 148
My Father has commanded me so I do. I have kept my Fathers commandments
and I remain in his love. He who keeps my commandments with him and obeys
them is the one who loves me and will remain in my Love. He who loves me will
be loved by my Father. I will reveal myself to him and I will love him. There is no
greater love than this when a man lays down his life for the sake of his friends.
You are my friends if you do everything that I command you. I have always called
you my friends. Everything that I heard from my Father I made it known to you. A
new commandment I give you that you love one another.
Father, Mountain=Heaven
Let not your heart be troubled believe in God and believe in me. In my Father’s
Mountain there are many houses if it were not so I would have told you. I am
going to prepare a place for you. I will go and prepare a place for you. I will come
again and take you with me so that where I am you will be also.
You See Me and the Father
You know me and you have seen me and you know my Father. Philip said to him
our Lord show us the father. That will be enough for us. Jesus said to him all this
time I have been with you and yet you do not know me Philip? He who sees me
has seen the Father. Why do you say, show us the Father? Do you not believe
that I am with my Father and my Father is with me?
Jesus Thy Word is Truth
Father they were yours and you gave them to me and they have kept thy Word.
Purify them with your truth because your Word is truth. The words that I speak I
do not speak of myself but my Father who abides with me he does these works. I
am purifying myself so that they also may be pure in the truth. I am not making
petition for these alone but also for the sake of those who believe in me through
their word. So that they all may be one just as you, my Father art with me and am
with you they also may be one with us. They know that whatever you have given
me is from you. The words which you gave me I gave them and they accepted
them. They have known truly that I came forth from you and they have believed
that you sent me. He, who loves me, keeps my word and my Father will love him.
We will come to him and dwell with him. He, who does not love me, does not
keep my word. This word which you hear is not mine own but the Fathers who
sent me. I have spoken these things to you while I am with you. Truly, I say to
you, he who believes in me the works which I do he shall do also. Greater issues